The Role of Food-Grade Nitrogen Generators in the Battle Against Food Waste

Global food waste is a major issue on our planet, contributing to hunger worldwide and the emission of greenhouse gases. It’s harmful to both the planet and people.

Globally, it’s estimated that as much as 30% of food produced goes to waste, translating to billions of pounds of food (and billions of dollars) lost each year. Food waste is a social justice problem as well as an ecological problem.

While there isn’t one solution to fix these issues, nitrogen generators can help reduce food waste problems in a variety of ways. Food-grade nitrogen in food packaging can help extend food shelf life by preventing the oxidation process which helps food get to people who need it, thus addressing global hunger in the process.

In this article, we’ll discuss the role that food-grade nitrogen plays in food packaging and transportation, how nitrogen in food packaging can help prevent food waste, what to know about nitrogen generators for food packaging companies, and how On Site Gas works with various companies throughout the food and beverage packaging industry to provide nitrogen gas systems.

What Are Nitrogen Generators?

A nitrogen generator is a device that isolates nitrogen from the air and produces a steady stream of nitrogen. Nitrogen generators are useful in a variety of industries including the food and beverage industry, pharmaceuticals, welding, electronics, and oil and gas industries.

Nitrogen generators come in different types including pressure swing adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generators and membrane nitrogen generators. PSA nitrogen generators use two chambers and a carbon molecular sieve to separate nitrogen from other molecules and then eject the nitrogen.

Membrane nitrogen generators use a membrane to separate nitrogen from other molecules, producing a steady stream of nitrogen. Membrane nitrogen generators produce nitrogen at a slightly lower purity than PSA generators. The type of nitrogen generator that your business needs depends on the nitrogen purity level required.

The Role of Nitrogen in Food Preservation

Oxygen contributes to the breakdown and degradation of food over time. Oxidation is what causes food to produce off-flavors, odors, and colors, and creates conditions that encourage microbial growth. As those microbes spread over the surface of the food, it begins to deteriorate faster.

When oxygen is absent from food packaging, food can last a very long time. Nitrogen generators are used to fill food packaging with nitrogen, which pushes out oxygen and helps food preservation. Nitrogen food preservation is an effective way to prolong the shelf life of many foods and beverages since the nitrogen content preserves textures and flavors, protects nutrients, and prolongs food shelf-life.

Fish, chips, coffee, nuts, vegetables, dried fruits, and a variety of ready-to-eat products all benefit from food-grade nitrogen gas. Food-grade nitrogen is used in packaging and in a process called fluffing, which contributes to the fluffy texture of mayonnaise.

Chemical preservatives have been used heavily in the food industry for many years, but health concerns over these chemicals have made many consumers averse to purchasing and eating foods that contain such chemicals. It’s important to note that nitrogen is non-toxic. It makes up a large percentage of the air we breathe every day, and the chemicals in food packaging pose no risk or health concern. In some cases, nitrogen can help make foods safer by replacing preservatives.

The use of nitrogen in food packaging is also useful for food transportation as nitrogen helps keep food safe to eat after packaging. In some packages, nitrogen also creates a pillow that helps prevent food from being crushed or damaged during transit (bags of chips are a good example of this). Using nitrogen in food packaging helps prevent food waste by increasing food’s shelf life, enabling food to be shipped all over the world, and preventing food from sustaining damage.

Advantages of Using Nitrogen Generators

While some businesses choose to obtain their nitrogen through cylinders and other delivery methods, the purchase of a nitrogen generator for food packaging is the most efficient and cost-effective way to obtain a sufficient supply of nitrogen. There are numerous advantages to using nitrogen generators:

  • Environmental benefits: Nitrogen generators are always available and on-site, versus nitrogen cylinders which require delivery from vehicles that use fossil fuels.
  • Less cost over time: Although nitrogen generators have a larger up-front cost, they incur far fewer ongoing costs. Over the years, the cost is recovered.
  • No supply chain complications: Businesses that rely on vendors to ship nitrogen to their location can be vulnerable to supply chain problems. Nitrogen generators do not have these problems, and are always on-site, ready to use.

Need a Food-Grade Nitrogen Generator? Contact On Site Gas

There are many benefits of using a food-grade nitrogen generator. Here’s why many people in the food industry have turned to food-grade nitrogen generators for their food and beverage packaging needs:

  • Decreased reliance on chemical preservatives
  • Reduced food waste
  • Improved product quality

Ultimately, switching from the use of chemical preservatives to nitrogen food packaging is a good decision for your brand. On Site Gas Systems sells N2 generators for food packaging, and we make nitrogen generation systems for businesses of all types. To learn more about nitrogen generators for food packaging purposes, contact On Site Gas Systems.

Safety First: Nitrogen Generators in Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems help keep your building safe from fire, but while fire suppression systems can enhance the value of your building and improve outcomes in the event of a fire, this is only true if the suppression system is functioning properly.

Many fire suppression systems sit for years without use because fires are so rare. Oxygen and moisture in fire suppression pipes can cause rust to develop at outlets. Ultimately, this rust buildup can lead to failure of the system when it’s needed most.

The use of a fire protection nitrogen generator in fire suppression pipes can prevent the development of rust that leads to failure of the system. For those properties where nitrogen is used in the fire suppression system, a nitrogen generator is an essential piece of equipment.

Understanding Nitrogen Generators

A nitrogen generator is a machine that produces a steady stream of nitrogen for industrial and production purposes. Nitrogen generators are used in many industries including food and beverage packaging, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, and more.

Nitrogen generators produce nitrogen by separating the nitrogen in the surrounding air from the other molecules. Membrane nitrogen generators use a membrane to separate the molecules, while pressure swing adsorption generators use a carbon molecular sieve.

The Role of Nitrogen in Fire Suppression

The use of nitrogen is better than other fire suppression agents because it effectively extinguishes fire without causing damage to sensitive equipment and building structures. Compared to water, which can do damage to building materials and electronic equipment, nitrogen is highly effective.

Nitrogen is also better for the pipes and the suppression system itself. Whereas water and oxygen can cause rust in fire suppression pipes, nitrogen does not. This helps control wear and tear on the fire suppression system, to help ensure that the system will continue to work.

Safety Benefits of Using Nitrogen Generators

Some fire suppression systems produce toxic byproducts that can be hazardous to humans and animals. Nitrogen is non-toxic and overall environmentally friendly. Unlike other fire suppression chemicals, nitrogen does not need to be cleaned up and removed from the room to create a safe environment.

In addition, nitrogen generators come with many safety features that help ensure the fire suppression system is overall safe. Installing a fire suppression system that is connected to a nitrogen generator can help ensure the safety of everyone in your building.

Key Safety Features of Nitrogen Generators

When choosing a nitrogen generator for fire protection, it’s important to look for features such as automatic monitoring, built-in safety alarms, and compliance with industry standards.

  1. Automatic monitoring and control systems: Automatic monitoring and control systems help ensure that your nitrogen generator is in top-working condition.
  2. Built-in safety alarms and alerts: Safety alarms tell you when your nitrogen generator needs maintenance and repair to continue functioning properly.
  3. Redundancy and fail-safes in design: Just to ensure that your nitrogen generator will function as expected when you need it, a good generator will have fail-safes in its design. This helps prevent problems like unexpected leaks, failure to perform, and accidents that could lead to injuries.
  4. Compliance with industry safety standards: Fire suppression systems are tightly regulated to help save lives. Working with a nitrogen generator manufacturer you can trust helps ensure that your fire suppression system will meet your needs and help stop fires when it’s needed.

Installation and Maintenance Safety

To ensure the reliability of your nitrogen generator for fire sprinkler systems, regular inspections and professional servicing are essential.

Get your nitrogen generator from a trusted manufacturer. On Site Gas Systems produces nitrogen generators that are high-performance, reliable, and made to last. We work with our clients to ensure that each nitrogen generator we manufacture is created for the unique conditions at their worksite.

Train personnel on proper operation and emergency procedures. Training employees responsible for the safe functioning and operation of the nitrogen generator helps prevent problems, mishaps, and miscommunications during a fire.

Inspect your nitrogen generator regularly, and get it professionally serviced. Keep records of how often you’ve serviced your nitrogen generator, and monitor its performance over time to ensure that your nitrogen generator functions as needed to suppress fires.

Regulatory and Compliance Considerations

All new buildings are required to be equipped with an approved automatic fire suppression system. To ensure a fire suppression system complies with regulations, look to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as well as local building codes. Compliance with local and international codes is essential for the safety of the public and the structure itself.

The use of nitrogen in fire suppression systems has been approved by NFPA 13 and FM Global Data Sheet 2-1. UL product certification, FM approval, and CE certifications may be required to ensure the safe use of nitrogen generators in your fire suppression system.

Maintain a Safe Fire Suppression System With a Nitrogen Generator

Nitrogen is an inert gas that does not cause oxidation or rust-like exposure to oxygen. When it comes to fire suppression systems, the use of nitrogen can slow the production of rust within the system, helping to ensure that your fire suppression system can function reliably when a fire occurs. Nitrogen can also be used without damaging IT systems and sensitive equipment, unlike some other types of fire suppression chemicals.

It’s important to take care of your fire suppression system. Performing regular maintenance can help extend the life of your system. Take proactive safety measures to ensure compliance with regulations.

Use of a reliable nitrogen generator in your fire suppression system is one thing you can do to ensure good results, and On Site Gas Systems can help. To learn more about our nitrogen generators, or to find out what kind of nitrogen generation system would most benefit you, contact us.