Environmental Impact of Nitrogen Gas Generators: A Green Solution

Nitrogen generators are an important part of industries ranging from food and beverage packaging to aerospace. Nitrogen is an essential element in these industries because it can drive out oxygen to prevent oxidation while also driving out moisture to create a dry, inert environment. Nitrogen can prevent the degradation of a product that might otherwise be corroded, damaged, or rotted by exposure to oxygen and moisture.

There are multiple nitrogen supply methods, including nitrogen gas cylinders and liquid nitrogen. These methods have traditionally been used to supply nitrogen to warehouses, facilities, and factories in need of nitrogen. However, cylinders have a variety of negative environmental impacts.

Nitrogen gas generators offer a sustainable alternative to nitrogen cylinders. This article will explore the ways that green nitrogen gas generators can protect your business from the negative environmental impact of nitrogen cylinders.

The Basics of Nitrogen Gas Generation

The air is made up largely of nitrogen. Nitrogen gas generators draw the nitrogen out of the air and create a stream of it for the user. There are two types of nitrogen gas generators: pressure swing adsorption generators (PSA) and membrane generators. These two types of generators can both produce a continuous stream of nitrogen gas, but they function in different ways.

PSA nitrogen generators pass compressed air through a bed of adsorbent material. Molecules from oxygen and moisture are trapped in the adsorbed material, while nitrogen gas is released. PSA nitrogen generators are an excellent option in industrial applications that require a high-purity stream of nitrogen.

Membrane nitrogen generators also use the nitrogen in the air to create a stream of nitrogen gas. These generators have a semipermeable membrane that helps separate nitrogen and other gases. Membrane generators are often used for applications that require a lower purity nitrogen.

Environmental Challenges with Traditional Nitrogen Supply

Traditional nitrogen supply presents many environmental challenges, from the filling of nitrogen cylinders to the delivery of nitrogen to customers. For example, nitrogen cylinders are filled in a commercial plant using cryogenic air separation. The process of cryogenic air separation generates excessive carbon dioxide and uses a lot of energy.

Although nitrogen cylinders are reusable, the cylinders produce waste when they are decommissioned. In addition, cylinders rely on transportation to and from the customer, and through this process rely on the use of non-renewable resources. Ultimately, nitrogen cylinders of all kinds are not environmentally friendly and impact a business’s carbon footprint.

The Green Credentials of Nitrogen Gas Generators

For businesses concerned with nitrogen generators and the environment, it’s important to know that nitrogen generators represent a reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional methods of nitrogen delivery. On-site generation of nitrogen requires relatively little energy compared to the transportation of nitrogen cylinders. There are several ways that this is true:

  • Low energy use. Nitrogen generators need energy to run but require relatively little energy compared to the amount of energy it takes to fill a nitrogen cylinder.
  • No transportation. Once the nitrogen generator is installed on site, it no longer requires transportation from trucks in order to deliver nitrogen to the user.
  • Relatively little waste. Often, nitrogen generators can be refurbished and used again, once they are no longer in need at their current location. Most nitrogen generators are small, so even once they’re no longer in use, they produce little waste.

Life Cycle Analysis

Nitrogen gas generators produce less waste and require less energy throughout their life cycle when compared with nitrogen cylinders. This is true because nitrogen gas generators are delivered only once, require relatively low power to operate, and produce a steady stream of nitrogen during the time they’re in operation and last for many years.

In fact, nitrogen generators allow for more control over nitrogen production. These generators produce less nitrogen waste and thus less waste generally.

Economic Benefits Tied to Environmental Advantages

Going green with nitrogen generation can also reduce operational costs. For a customer that needs approximately 2,880 hundred cubic feet of nitrogen (CCF) annually, the cost of paying for this nitrogen supply in cylinders is approximately $0.80-$1.50 per CCF.

The cost of generating that nitrogen on site is approximately $0.0614 per CCF. The annual total cost of nitrogen cylinders for this amount of nitrogen is approximately $27,650, versus $2,670 for nitrogen delivered by generator.

Protect the Environment and Your Business With a Nitrogen Generator

Are you concerned with nitrogen generation and the environment? Maybe you’re concerned about the cost of paying for nitrogen cylinders to meet your business needs? Nitrogen cylinders can have a negative impact on communities, the global environment, and on businesses themselves. Switching to more sustainable practices in your industry can save your business money and can prove that your business prioritizes eco-friendly, sustainable processes.

On Site Gas Systems produces membrane and PSA nitrogen generator systems, and can make custom systems for clients in need. We’ll work with your team to install a nitrogen generator that produces nitrogen in the amount and purity that your business requires. Contact us today to learn more.

Nitrogen Leak Testing: Why N2 Gas For Leak Detection?

Leaks cause problems in virtually any industrial setting that utilizes pipes. Leaks can lead to lost profits, damaged equipment, extra work, and lost time. Whether you’re working in the automotive industry, in the HVAC industry, or in another industry where leaks can cause problems, nitrogen leak detection can help you identify leaks when they occur.

In many circumstances, a leak test with nitrogen is one of the most efficient ways to find leaks. Nitrogen leak detection is efficient and safe when properly conducted. This article will identify the benefits of nitrogen leak testing, how nitrogen leak testing is conducted, and why a nitrogen leak test is a smart way to identify leaks in many industries.

Basics of Nitrogen Leak Testing

Nitrogen leak testing is the use of nitrogen to identify the location of leaks in an enclosed system. Using a nitrogen leak detector method can help you find leaks where they’re at, and determine when those leaks have been resolved.

Compared with other types of leak testing, nitrogen is cost-effective and accurate. Nitrogen is an inert gas, which means that it’s non-corrosive and non-combustible.

Nitrogen can be used to identify leaks in refrigeration systems, pipelines, newly installed fire sprinkler systems, food processing facilities, and more.

Benefits of Using Nitrogen for Leak Detection

Many businesses use nitrogen for leak detection. Knowing the benefits of nitrogen leak detection can help you decide if this type of leak detection is the right method for your business. Remember that there are many ways that you can identify leaks, so familiarizing yourself with the many options is important.

Nitrogen is Abundant

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of nearly 80 percent nitrogen, which makes it one of the most common elements on Earth. The natural abundance of nitrogen makes it easy to acquire for most businesses. Nitrogen generators produce nitrogen by taking in the gas in the air and separating the nitrogen from the oxygen and other elements and contaminants.


Nitrogen is overall very safe. It’s non-toxic for people, and in fact, is something that people breathe all the time. Nitrogen is also non-combustible. Compared to gasses like oxygen, this makes nitrogen overall a very safe element to use.

Accuracy and Reliability

A properly conducted nitrogen leak detection test is an accurate way to identify leaks in an enclosed system. To ensure accuracy, it’s important to ensure that anyone who is tasked with leak detection knows how to do it correctly.

Environmental Benefits

Nitrogen is not harmful to the environment, and if produced with a nitrogen generator, collecting nitrogen has a low environmental impact.


Nitrogen is inert, which means that it’s non-reactive with other substances. It’s unlikely to cause corrosion, which puts it in contrast with elements like oxygen.

Industries Where Nitrogen Leak Testing is Crucial

Nitrogen leak testing is crucial to a variety of systems. Below are some of the industries where nitrogen leak detection is common.

  1. HVAC Systems
  2. Automotive Industry
  3. Aerospace and Aviation
  4. Oil and Gas Pipelines

In each one of these industries, the use of nitrogen to detect leaks can help keep equipment in use and can help prevent downtime of important systems.

How Nitrogen Leak Testing Works

There are different methods to perform nitrogen leak testing. First, the portion of the system that is being tested must be isolated from the rest of the system. Next, nitrogen is pushed into the system up to the standard expected pressure. Assuming a range of pressure is acceptable, the system must be tested to the upper limits of the range.

Finally, the edges and connections within the system must be coated in a soapy solution to detect leaks. If there is a leak, the soapy solution will produce more suds in the areas around the leak.

To perform this type of test, you’ll need a source of nitrogen and a soapy solution.

Start Nitrogen Leak Testing Today

Nitrogen leak testing can help you catch leaks where they form before they become unmanageable. When leak testing with nitrogen, it’s important to give the job to workers who have been trained to use nitrogen for leak testing and know how to do it safely.

Using a nitrogen generator can help ensure efficiency and control costs when leak testing. On Site Gas Systems produces nitrogen generators for leak testing and other industrial purposes. Call today to learn more about our PSA nitrogen generators, membrane nitrogen generators, and custom systems for your business.

What Do We Use Nitrogen For? The 5 Major Uses Of Nitrogen In Everyday Life

Nitrogen gas makes up approximately 78 percent of our atmosphere, which makes it one of the most common gases on Earth. Nitrogen is non-toxic and inert, so it’s a safe gas to include in industrial processes.

If you’re wondering “What do we use nitrogen for?” the answer is, a lot!

The prevalence of nitrogen in our atmosphere combined with its inert properties makes it a very useful gas for food packaging, pharmaceuticals, and other industries. The use of nitrogen can prevent oxidation, corrosion, and deterioration of materials like foods and medicines. In this article, we’ll go over the uses of nitrogen and how it’s beneficial to industrial processes.

5 Major Uses of N2 in Everyday Life

Do you need a nitrogen generator? You probably do if you’re involved in one of the following industries. If you do need an N2 generator, whether that’s a PSA nitrogen generator or a membrane nitrogen generator, contact On Site Gas Systems to get started.

Food Packaging & Preservation

Nitrogen gas has transformed the food packaging industry. Exposure to oxygen shortens food shelf life by causing oxidation, leading to a change in food quality, flavor, smell, and color. By packaging food in a nitrogen-rich environment, food manufacturers can limit food’s exposure to oxygen and thus prevent food from deteriorating in the packaging.

Packaging with nitrogen is often done with a nitrogen flush technique, meaning that the oxygen and other gases in the packaging are flushed out with nitrogen. The nitrogen is sealed in the package, creating a protective bubble around the food and preventing it from breaking in transport.


Nitrogen’s inert properties have an advantage over oxygen in electronics soldering. The use of oxygen in electronics soldering can cause oxidation in the immediate area being soldered, but nitrogen does not.

Oxidation is detrimental to soldering tools, circuit boards, and component leads. Oxidation is the rusting process that causes deterioration of many metals. The use of nitrogen in electronics soldering leads to a more durable electronics product and helps preserve the soldering tools used as well.


Just as nitrogen is used in food packaging to prevent oxidation of foods, nitrogen is also used in pharmaceutical packaging to prevent oxidation of medications. This helps preserve medication quality and integrity and leads to a longer shelf life. The use of nitrogen in packaging also makes for easier transportation and allows medications to be transported all over the world, because of the way nitrogen extends medication shelf life.


In the beer and brewing industries, nitrogen is used to purge tanks to prevent drink spoilage. Nitrogen use in beer has also been attributed to better flavor as well as longer shelf life. Nitrogen is used to create the “fizz” in beer and is sometimes favored over CO2 because it is less likely to cause unwanted chemical reactions.

Tire Inflation

Nitrogen gas is an important tire filler. Not everyone who drives a car needs nitrogen-filled tires, but some prefer it. The reason that nitrogen is slightly better for filling tires than normal air is that nitrogen molecules are larger than oxygen molecules. Tires are porous, and sometimes temperature changes can force oxygen out of the tires via the pores.

This very slow leak can result in minute changes in tire pressure over time. Since nitrogen molecules are larger, the leak produced by nitrogen tires is much slower, leading to more consistent tire pressure over time.

Need a Nitrogen Generator for Your Industrial Processes? Contact On Site Gas Systems

On Site Gas Systems is one of the most respected names in nitrogen generators in the United States. We produce pressure swing adsorption and membrane nitrogen generators for businesses in the pharmaceuticals industry, food and beverage industry, electronics industry, and more.

We can refurbish nitrogen generators as needed, or we create custom generators for businesses with very specific needs. If you require a nitrogen generator for your business, contact On Site Gas Systems today to get started with your nitrogen generator purchase.

How to Select the Best Nitrogen Generator Manufacturer: Why Choose On Site Gas Systems?


Nitrogen gas generators offer a cost-effective and reliable source of nitrogen for various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food packaging, chemicals, and steel-making. Although they require an initial investment, these generators ultimately save businesses money by eliminating the ongoing expenses associated with renting nitrogen cylinders.

If it’s important for your business to save money on nitrogen, then it’s crucial to buy the right nitrogen generator for your business. But how do you ensure you’re investing in the right nitrogen generator for your needs? The answer lies in choosing a trustworthy manufacturer – like On Site Gas Systems.

Why does On Site Gas Systems stand out as the ideal choice for your nitrogen generator manufacturer in the USA? Let’s find out.

Qualities that Define a Premier Nitrogen Generator Manufacturer

When picking a nitrogen generator manufacturer, there are a few key things to consider. Here’s why we’re confident in saying we stand out:

Years of Experience

On Site Gas Systems has been serving clients for over 35 years. That’s a long time to learn, adapt, and perfect our products and services. Such a long-standing history not only proves our dedication to the industry but also offers assurance. Newer manufacturers might not always have the stability to honor warranties or promises, but we’ve been around, proving our reliability.

Variety of Options

Every business is unique, and so are its needs. Whether your company requires a membrane generator or a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generator, it’s crucial that the manufacturer you choose provides both. With On Site Gas Systems, you’re assured a variety of options, ensuring that your specific requirements are met.

Custom Solutions

Sometimes, off-the-shelf options just don’t cut it. Maybe your business operations demand a nitrogen generator with specific dimensions or capabilities. Recognizing the diverse needs of businesses, On Site Gas Systems specializes in creating custom solutions tailored to your industry, ensuring optimal production rates and efficiency.

Made in the USA

If your business operates in the United States, you’d likely prefer a nitrogen generator designed and manufactured to meet US regulatory standards. With On Site Gas Systems, every generator is crafted right here in the USA, ensuring compliance and optimum performance.

Commitment to Quality

Searching for a high-quality nitrogen generator can be challenging. However, a surefire way to ensure quality is by partnering with an ISO-certified manufacturer like On Site Gas Systems. This certification is a testament to our commitment to maintaining the highest quality standards in every product we produce.

Choosing the Right Nitrogen Generator with On Site Gas Systems

With On Site Gas Systems by your side, choosing the perfect nitrogen generator has never been simpler. It all starts with a conversation with our knowledgeable team, not merely to gauge their expertise but to understand how, as a manufacturer, we can align with your unique needs and challenges. It’s crucial to educate yourself on product specifics. With On Site Gas Systems, you’re not just getting a product; you’re tapping into decades of industry insights and unwavering dedication. By having the right information and a clear perspective on your needs, you can confidently select a nitrogen generator that perfectly aligns with your requirements.

Why On Site Gas Systems?

On Site Gas Systems has been in business for over 35 years. We help our clients with their nitrogen generation needs by creating quality nitrogen generation systems. We offer pre-made, custom, and refurbished systems for our clients. We have a knowledgeable sales team that can answer your questions, and if you need a custom system, we’ll put you in touch with an engineer who can help. Call today to request a quote or contact a member of our customer care team to get started.

How to Separate Nitrogen From Air Using N2 Separation Technologies

Nitrogen is a necessary part of many industrial processes. A variety of industries use nitrogen for their packaging and production, including the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage industry, aerospace, metal production, and more.

Nitrogen is a major component of the air we breathe, accounting for a significant percentage. Specifically, 78% of the surrounding air consists of nitrogen, making it abundant and readily accessible. However, to utilize nitrogen effectively, we need to use methods to extract or separate it from the air.

Are you a business owner in search of the most effective process to remove nitrogen from the air? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the world of nitrogen separation from air. You’ll understand the ingenious methods employed by nitrogen generators and gain valuable insights to make an informed decision for your company. Here’s what to know about nitrogen separation from the air:

Methods for Separating Nitrogen from Air

There are many methods of separating nitrogen from air. Having this many options allows your company or organization to choose the method that best works for you.

Pressure Swing Adsorption

Pressure swing adsorption nitrogen generators, also called PSA nitrogen generators, are generators that use changing pressure to manipulate air in a tank with an adsorber inside. Oxygen molecules diffuse into the pore structure while nitrogen travels through the adsorber, creating a high-purity nitrogen gas on the other side.

PSA nitrogen generators are known for creating a very high-purity gas. They can range in size depending on the application need, and reach purities up to 99.9995%.

Membrane Nitrogen Generation

A membrane nitrogen generator is a device that forces air into a set of polymer fibers. When this happens, the nitrogen molecules are separated from the other molecules and are caught on the other side, creating a nitrogen gas. Nitrogen separation membrane generators have no moving parts.

While nitrogen separation membrane technology generators do not produce nitrogen that is quite as pure as PSA generators, they are perfect for many processes.

Benefits of Using a Nitrogen Generator

Nitrogen generators have many benefits. If your business relies on a steady supply of nitrogen either for packaging or for another industrial process, then a nitrogen generator can help ensure that your business has a supply of nitrogen 24/7.

  • Low cost after the initial investment. Nitrogen generators cost very little to run after the initial cost of investment.
  • Reliable. As long as you have a nitrogen generator, you have a supply of nitrogen to be used whenever nitrogen is required.
  • Space efficient. Nitrogen generators take up little space while creating a great output of nitrogen.
  • Help ensure steady production for your business. Having the materials that you need means that you can count on a steady production of your product.

How Nitrogen Generators Compare to Nitrogen Cylinders

Some businesses rely on nitrogen cylinders for their industrial processes. Renting nitrogen has many downsides. These cylinders are subject to any transportation and logistics challenges that the rental company may encounter. From traffic delays to supply chain problems, if your nitrogen cylinder rental vendor is having a problem, you likely are too.

In addition, cylinders represent an ongoing cost that can eventually exceed the cost of a nitrogen generator, and then some. Nitrogen cylinders take up a lot of space, depending on how many you rent at a time, and may need to be shuffled from one location within your warehouses to another, depending on what is convenient. Finally, these cylinders must be delivered and exchanged by vehicles that use fossil fuels. This means that cylinders are not the most environmentally friendly products.

Install Your Nitrogen Generator with On Site Gas Systems

On Site Gas Systems creates custom designs of gas-generating systems for businesses. We’re a reputable and trusted source for businesses that rely on a supply of nitrogen or oxygen for their industrial production. Want to know more about how On Site Gas Systems can produce a custom configuration nitrogen generating system for your business? Call today to speak with our professionals.

7 Everyday Products Made Using Nitrogen Generation Technology

Nitrogen is one of the most common elements on Earth. It makes up nearly 80% of the air we breathe and is found in a range of everyday items, from pharmaceuticals to tires.

Many companies that rely on nitrogen to make their products use generators to create their own supply. Generators have many advantages over nitrogen cylinders. If you’re starting a company that makes products using nitrogen, a nitrogen generator can save your business money, raise profits, and increase production. Below, you’ll see a list of seven everyday products that are made using nitrogen generators.

1. Packaging for Food and Beverages

Bacteria proliferate in the air, causing food to deteriorate in many ways. The longer food is exposed to air, the more its color, flavor, and scent change. Nitrogen flushing is the process of pushing air from packages containing food and replacing that air with nitrogen. Food in a nitrogen environment deteriorates more slowly.

Some packages, like ones that contain chips, are even filled with extra nitrogen before the bag is sealed. In this case, nitrogen creates a pillow around the chips, preventing them from being crushed.

2. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products

Just as air causes food to spoil, the same goes for medications and medical products. Pharmaceuticals that spoil when exposed to air are packaged in containers flushed with nitrogen. This prolongs the life of the medication and pushes back the expiration date.

Sterilized medical products are packaged in nitrogen environments for the same reasons: bacteria that grow in the air won’t grow as quickly in an all-nitrogen atmosphere. Nitrogen-filled packaging can keep sterilized medical products safe for longer.

3. Electronics

Nitrogen is used in electronics production in a variety of ways. Nitrogen allows the manufacturer to maintain a consistent temperature during production. Nitrogen also prevents oxidation – which can weaken the solder, an essential part of circuit boards.

4. Jewelry

Soldering is a common part of jewelry production. It is used to hold separate pieces of metal together, close metal chains, and more. Soldering that is performed in an oxygen-rich environment doesn’t last. Metals can become corroded and bonds are not as strong when the soldering is performed in an environment with a lot of oxygen. Ultimately, jewelry that is soldered in an environment with a lot of oxygen can fall apart.

To prevent this from happening, soldering is performed in a nitrogen-rich environment. The nitrogen creates a barrier between the solder and the oxygen, which ultimately can help keep the jewelry together.

5. Stainless Steel Production

Stainless steel uses nitrogen in the same way and for the same reasons that jewelry making needs nitrogen: nitrogen increases the corrosion resistance of stainless steel. When nitrogen is added to the steel manufacturing process, the result is stronger stainless steel which contains fewer impurities. Nitrogen’s role in stainless-steel production helps to prevent oxidation which can cause rust. In addition to a stronger product, the resulting surface is more receptive to applying powder paint coatings with proper welding surfaces.

6. Laser Cut Products

A laser can be used to cut materials for industrial or artistic purposes. Everything from signs to furniture can be cut by lasers. During the laser cutting process, nitrogen is used to protect the edge of the cut from discoloration. Discoloration can occur when the edge of the cut oxidizes before cooling. By enveloping the area with nitrogen, the oxidization is stopped.

7. Printed Products

During the printing process, nitrogen is used to dry ink. Nitrogen is used because it is a dry gas that does not retain moisture. This lack of humidity makes nitrogen the perfect product for drying inks and other materials.

Why Buy A Nitrogen Generator?

Whether you’re using nitrogen to produce one of the products listed above or for another reason, your business can benefit from adding a nitrogen generator.

Reliable supply. Unlike nitrogen cylinders, generators produce a steady supply of nitrogen that never needs replenishment from deliveries of new cylinders. Whereas cylinder rental can lead to supply chain problems if a supplier is behind on a shipment, generators are always available.

Lower cost. Nitrogen cylinders can also become expensive over time. Generators require one payment upfront, while nitrogen generators represent an ongoing cost. Given enough time, business owners spend more on cylinder rental than on nitrogen generation.

Eco friendly. Nitrogen generators don’t have the carbon footprint of cylinders, which must be delivered and then returned for replenishment on a regular basis.

Buy Your Nitrogen Generator from a Reputable Manufacturer

If your business manufactures products that require nitrogen, buy your nitrogen generator from a reputable manufacturer. Call On Site Gas Systems today to buy your nitrogen generator from a supplier you can trust.

How Food-Grade Nitrogen Helps Package The Foods At Your Table

Proper packaging enables food to be bagged and transported long distances without spoiling. Often, food packaging is reliant on nitrogen for preservation purposes. Many foods are packaged with nitrogen inside, including dried fruits and chips. Whether you’re a curious consumer or starting a food packaging business, here’s what you need to know about food-grade nitrogen.

What Is the Benefit of Using Food Grade Nitrogen in Food Packaging?

Bacteria will grow and thrive on organic material when exposed to oxygen. When food is exposed for a long time to oxygen, it will deteriorate quickly. Its color, flavor, scent, and structural integrity will all begin to break down when exposed to oxygen. This means that any piece of food will spoil quickly if it is sealed into a package with oxygen.

When oxygen is eliminated from the package, the growth of bacteria slows down dramatically. To protect the food from spoilage, oxygen is replaced with nitrogen.

What Is Nitrogen Flushing?

Nitrogen flushing is a technique where nitrogen is blasted into a package containing food and oxygen. The nitrogen displaces the oxygen, then the package is sealed with the nitrogen inside.

Is Nitrogen Flushing Safe?

Nitrogen flushing is completely safe. Many foods are packaged this way. Nitrogen is a non-toxic gas that’s already found in the earth’s atmosphere. Nearly 80% of the air that we breathe is nitrogen. This odorless gas does not harm food, is safe to breathe once the package is opened, and prevents food from spoiling when it’s sealed in the bag.

Nitrogen Helps Protect Food In More Ways Than One

In addition to stopping food from going bad, nitrogen does one more thing to protect food when it’s sealed in the package. Delicate foods like chips are easily crushed in transit, but nitrogen creates a pillow inside the package to stop chips from being pulverized.

How to Produce Nitrogen Food Packaging

Generally speaking, there are two ways for food packaging companies to obtain nitrogen. They can either deliver their nitrogen through an outside source (often in cylinders) or generate their nitrogen with an on-site nitrogen generator.

Nitrogen cylinders have many disadvantages over nitrogen generators. Cylinders must be delivered regularly to keep up with production. When supply chain problems occur, cylinders may not be delivered according to the schedule. This can lead to a halt in production, resulting in lost profits. Cylinders can also take up a lot of space. In addition, pressurized cylinders can be dangerous when not properly handled.

Nitrogen generators, by contrast, produce a nearly limitless supply of nitrogen without any of the supply chain considerations that can occur with cylinder delivery. Nitrogen generators take up less space and, unlike pressurized cylinders, do not have the associated risks.

Benefits of an On-Site Nitrogen Generator for Food Packaging

There are many benefits of packaging food with nitrogen from a generator. Here’s what you should consider as you’re trying to decide whether to purchase a nitrogen generator for your food packaging business:

  • Cost-effective. Once the small initial investment is made for purchase and installation, nitrogen generators have very few associated costs. This is very different from nitrogen cylinders, which represent an ongoing cost. In fact, as the business increases production, the amount spent on cylinders also increases, naturally limiting business growth and taking a chunk from the profits that would otherwise be made.
  • Reliable. Compared to nitrogen cylinder delivery, a nitrogen generator is a reliable nitrogen source. Any time your business is dependent upon a third-party provider, you’re subject to whatever problems may affect that third-party provider. In the event that a cylinder delivery is delayed or even canceled, your business will be left searching for a new nitrogen source. By comparison, a nitrogen generator is always available and, if properly maintained, a consistent nitrogen source.
  • Energy-efficient and sustainable. Whereas nitrogen delivery from a third-party provider depends upon fossil fuels to deliver, a nitrogen generator is a clean and energy-efficient way to produce the nitrogen needed on-site.

Need Nitrogen for Your Food Packaging Company? Contact On Site Gas

On Site Gas is a trusted name in nitrogen generation. We provide quality nitrogen generators to businesses in food packaging, medical and chemical industries, and more. To learn more about obtaining a nitrogen generator for your food packaging company, contact us today.

Nitrogen Tank Blanketing: What Is It And What Is The Purpose Of N2 Blanketing?

Nitrogen blanketing is a common manufacturing process that creates safe storage for certain liquids. Depending on what’s being stored in the container, nitrogen blanketing can prevent the stored item from degrading or deteriorating over time. Nitrogen blanketing is often used for storage tanks, and therefore, is sometimes called tank blanketing or tank padding.

What is Nitrogen Blanketing?

Nitrogen blanketing is the process of filling a storage tank with nitrogen to stop the storage material (usually a liquid) from coming into contact with oxygen. It can potentially mitigate the explosive condition created by having oxygen in the tank, and also extends the product life of the storage material.

Where is Nitrogen Blanketing Used?

Nitrogen blanketing is used in many industries, including:

Why Is Nitrogen Blanketing Important?

Nitrogen maintains stable conditions for the product being stored in the container. Whether it’s preventing discoloration, explosion, polymerization, or another unwanted change, nitrogen stops the stored product from interacting with nitrogen. Other benefits of nitrogen blanketing include:

  • Reduced potential for an explosion
  • Less chance of corrosion, which can lead to improved equipment life
  • Less chance of degradation of the stored item
  • Increased service life for the storage container itself, which could otherwise degrade due to the presence of liquid and oxygen
  • Increased safety due to the reduction of oxygen in the storage tank

What Size Storage Tanks Are Eligible?

Storage tanks of all sizes, from very large to very small, can be used for nitrogen blanketing.

What Is the Nitrogen Blanketing Procedure?

There are multiple ways of making nitrogen blanketing work. Most businesses that require this kind of work to be done have a nitrogen blanketing system. One way is through the use of a blanketing regulator, which helps control the pressure inside the tank.

With this system, the valve is mounted on top of the storage tank, and gas is pushed into the tank until the pressure inside the tank reaches a pre-determined point. When the pressure inside the tank is correct, the regulator stops the gas from entering the tank. Ultimately, the nitrogen blanket is created by decreasing the concentration of oxygen in the tank and increasing the amount of nitrogen.

What’s the Best Way to Get Nitrogen for Nitrogen Blanketing?

Nitrogen blanketing is an important storage practice in a variety of industries. If your business uses nitrogen blanketing as a method of storing chemicals, food products, or something else, your business will need a regular supply of nitrogen. There are multiple ways to acquire nitrogen for nitrogen blanketing.

Nitrogen Storage Tanks

Nitrogen storage tanks are a common source of nitrogen for businesses that use nitrogen periodically. While nitrogen storage tanks are serviceable for businesses that only need a small, infrequent nitrogen supply, there are many downsides to using nitrogen storage tanks for a constant and regular supply of nitrogen.

Namely, nitrogen storage tanks are subject to problems with supply and delivery. They require a lot of space to store, and shipments of tanks can sometimes be delayed due to weather, supply chain issues, and more. Maintaining a regular supply of nitrogen storage tanks can be administratively and logistically challenging. In addition, nitrogen storage tanks represent an ongoing cost that can add up over time.

Nitrogen Generator

A nitrogen generator is a good solution for a business that requires a regular supply of nitrogen for its operations. While a nitrogen generator does represent an upfront one-time cost, this cost is far less than the ongoing costs of nitrogen storage tanks. In addition, the nitrogen generator is always available to supply nitrogen, whereas nitrogen tanks are subject to availability.

Once the generator is purchased, the only ongoing costs associated with the generator are the maintenance and power to run the generator. This can save your business money over time. With a nitrogen generator on hand, your business will enjoy a steady supply of nitrogen for its business purposes year-round.

Need a Nitrogen Generator? Get Yours from a Reputable Manufacturer

A well-constructed, well-designed nitrogen generator can help your business save money and can also keep your business functioning. To purchase your nitrogen generator, contact On Site Gas. We design and build nitrogen generators that provide safe, continuous nitrogen gas for a variety of applications including nitrogen blanketing. Our reliable generators are designed to last.

To learn more about nitrogen generators for your business, see our FAQ page or contact us.

Buying Nitrogen Gas? Make Your Own N2 Gas With On Site Gas Systems

If your company purchases nitrogen gas for industrial or manufacturing purposes, then you’re probably already aware of the downsides of buying nitrogen gas. Sometimes, suppliers run out. Other times, deliveries are delayed. It is also expensive. Whether buying your nitrogen gas in bulk or in a cylinder, you’re probably familiar with these problems. You may find yourself wondering where to buy nitrogen gas and what you can do to save time, effort, and money in the process. Luckily, there’s a solution.

The Downsides of Buying Nitrogen Gas

To examine the downsides of buying nitrogen gas, we must consider the different forms nitrogen gas can take.

Bulk Tank

Bull tanks are one method that laboratories and manufacturers purchase nitrogen gas to be delivered to their locations. They are used for bulk gas supply. The gas the bulk tank contains is piped in, which requires a sophisticated and expensive piping infrastructure to be installed.


Cylinders provide pressurized nitrogen gas to facilities that need them. Cylinders are widely used by food and beverage companies, pharmaceutical companies, glass and plastics manufacturers, metal fabrication businesses, aerospace companies, and more. However, cylinders do not provide the safest means of obtaining nitrogen.

We know today that there is a better, more efficient way to obtain nitrogen on-site.

What’s the Alternative?

Nitrogen generators are an on-site solution for companies in need of nitrogen gas. These machines offer many benefits for businesses. For a business seeking a reliable supply of nitrogen, nitrogen generators are the preferred product.

What are the benefits of a gas generator?

Gas generators have many benefits that cylinders and bulk tanks lack. Below are some of the benefits you can expect when you install a nitrogen gas generator on site.


Gas cylinders are inconvenient if your demand for cylinders fluctuates. Ordering and obtaining cylinders quickly can be challenging, and sometimes obtaining cylinders at the last minute isn’t possible. In addition, the administrative work required to keep gas cylinders on hand as needed can be ongoing and challenging. Sometimes, just finding space for your cylinders can be tough.

Consistent Purity

Gas generators provide a consistent gas purity that can be relied upon. If your manufacturing or industrialization process requires a consistent purity of nitrogen gas, then a nitrogen gas generator can produce results without incurring waste. This stands in contrast to nitrogen gas cylinders, where the last 10% plus of nitrogen gas is wasted, as you can only use the amount of nitrogen in a cylinder above your process pressure.

Reduced Cost

Gas cylinders and bulk tanks represent an ongoing cost for the business, unlike a nitrogen gas generator. Costs associated with cylinder and bulk tank usage include transportation, delivery, and rental fees. In addition, the cost of gas can fluctuate based on supply and demand. Gas generators only incur a one-time charge for the purchase and then maintenance costs, which are minimal. This one-time cost of purchase, when spread out over time, is far more affordable than the cylinder cost.


Cylinders and bulk tanks store gas under pressure. In the event of a leak, the environment where the cylinders or bulk tanks are stored could change dramatically, in ways that could potentially be unhealthy. In addition, cylinders can be difficult to move safely. Anyone tasked with moving nitrogen cylinders must be trained to do so properly. Finally, any time gas is stored under pressure, it can be a potential safety issue. Nitrogen generators don’t have any of these concerns, because they only produce nitrogen on demand.


Cylinders and bulk tanks take up a lot of space, depending on the needs of the business. A nitrogen gas generator, on the other hand, may take up less space. Once installed, it only takes up as much space as the footprint of the machine.

Eliminate the Need for Nitrogen Gas Cylinders

Installing a nitrogen generator can improve your business processes and will also result in cost savings over time. On Site Gas manufactures nitrogen gas generators. To learn more about how nitrogen gas generators can impact your business, or to get a price quote, contact On Site Gas for more information.

Nitrogen Gas Tanks vs. On-Site Nitrogen Generators

Nitrogen is an essential ingredient in a variety of manufacturing processes. Many businesses get their supply of nitrogen from N2 gas tank deliveries, but there are many downsides to getting a steady supply of nitrogen this way. In fact, nitrogen gas tank rentals are inefficient in many ways. Nitrogen gas tanks purchased this way are costly and require a lot of space for storage. They can also be susceptible to supply chain problems.

There is a solution to this problem. If your business relies on N2 gas tanks for your manufacturing process, it’s crucial to learn the benefits of on-site nitrogen generators. Nitrogen generators solve many of the problems made by nitrogen gas tanks. Here’s what you need to know.

On-Site Nitrogen Generation Vs. Bottled Nitrogen

On-site nitrogen is nitrogen created from a generator. Nitrogen generators are a reliable source of nitrogen that can deliver 24 hours per day and seven days per week. Below are some ways that nitrogen generators are better than nitrogen gas tanks.

  • Less waste. Sometimes it’s difficult to get all the nitrogen out of the bottles, but when you create your own nitrogen on site, you produce less waste overall.
  • Control purity. When you have a nitrogen generator, you can set the purity level. Purity control makes manufacturing processes easier.
  • Cost-efficient. Although there’s an up-front cost associated with purchasing a nitrogen generator, there are significant cost savings over time. Once the equipment is purchased, the only associated costs come from maintaining the machine.
  • Any time you’re working with a high-pressure cylinder, there’s a risk. Getting your nitrogen from an on-site generator is safer.
  • Sustainability. Generating your nitrogen on site has a lower environmental impact than receiving nitrogen tank deliveries.

Other Benefits of Generating My Nitrogen On Site

In addition to the benefits named above, there are many other benefits of generating nitrogen on site.

  • No more worries about supply chain problems. Nitrogen cylinders can be challenging to get a hold of, and it only sometimes arrives when you need it. Relying on nitrogen gas deliveries for your manufacturing process can be dangerous– weather, shortages, and other problems can get in the way of your deliveries. Having a nitrogen generator on site ensures that you’ll have a steady supply of nitrogen, where you want it when you want it.
  • You’ll start making money back sooner than you think. Many businesses take less than two years before they cover the initial cost of the nitrogen generator. Over time, they save up to 80% on the cost of nitrogen compared to purchasing bulk or bottled nitrogen.
  • You’ll save space. Nitrogen tanks can take up a lot of space, depending on how much nitrogen you need to make or package your product. Nitrogen generators take up less space and do not need gas bottles in your workshop.
  • You’ll save administrative time. Finding new suppliers of nitrogen can take time. Using a nitrogen generator fixes that by ensuring that you have a consistent supply of nitrogen on hand without ordering new tanks every week, month, or how often you need them.

Buying a Nitrogen Generator System? How to Choose the Right Manufacturer

When you’re looking for a nitrogen generator system, it’s important to find a manufacturer that makes dependable products that they support. Do your research when you’re choosing between multiple manufacturers: how long have they been in business? Do they support their products?

On Site Gas is a well-respected name in the industry. We make nitrogen generators that last, and they’re backed by a warranty that offers full protection. We offer service and system support for customers who buy our generators.

To learn more about nitrogen generators from On Site Gas, contact us for a quote.