Nitrogen in Lab Equipment

When it comes to science, it all comes down to the details. Laboratories require very specific atmospheric conditions so that they can ensure accurate results and lasting cells, and they use nitrogen gas to maintain them. Here is a closer look at how nitrogen gas is used around lab equipment as well as why on-site nitrogen gas is the best option.

How Nitrogen Helps Lab Equipment

Working with cells is serious business, and even the slightest variance in temperature, humidity, or oxygen level can have a big impact on the results. By infusing the necessary space with nitrogen gas, scientists can effectively control every aspect of the environment to make sure the cell incubators, mass spectrometers, dry boxes, IVF incubators, and more, can all maintain the ideal environment for optimal results.

Why Use Laboratory Nitrogen Generators

Within these lab applications, a large amount of nitrogen gas is required. Since the nitrogen must be infused consistently, an on-site nitrogen generator is the clear option. At On Site Gas, our laboratory nitrogen generators are highly efficient, compact, and can produce high-purity nitrogen for both low and high flow applications. Here are the benefits of using an on-site nitrogen generator versus relying on cylinders.

  • Reduce Expenses – While purchasing a laboratory nitrogen generator upfront may cost more than cylinders, it is a one-time expense. There are no recurring rental fees, delivery surcharges, or anything else. Once the cost of the generator is recouped, the laboratory can essentially produce nitrogen for free (with minimal maintenance costs).
  • Improve Workflow – Using an on-site nitrogen generator saves a lot of time, too. There is no need to switch out cylinders or keep an eye on the gas levels, and there is no need to worry about the gas supply running out mid-analysis. With an on-site nitrogen generator, laboratory personnel can essentially set up the nitrogen flow and forget about it.
  • Ensure Safety – When changing out nitrogen gas cylinders, there is always a risk of somebody getting hurt or something getting broken. The cylinders are large and heavy, and trying to maneuver them around fragile lab equipment is just asking for trouble.
  • Save Energy – Using an on-site nitrogen generator requires much less energy to operate than it takes the nitrogen plants to produce the gas that is put into cylinders. So, when a laboratory chooses to make their own nitrogen, they are reducing their carbon footprint.

When exact atmospheres are required, laboratories can depend on the nitrogen generators from On Site Gas Systems. To learn more about our customization options and to discover the true ROI of a laboratory nitrogen generator, contact us today.

Nitrogen Gas and Nanotechnology

When working with and manipulating individual molecules and atoms, the environment is of the utmost importance. Whether in the manufacturing process, the experimentation process, or the storing process, it is vital that the parts used in nanotechnology remain in dry, stable conditions. With nitrogen gas, the environment can be upheld easily. Here are just some of the ways nitrogen gas is used every day in the nanotechnology industry.

How Nitrogen Helps the Nanotechnology Industry

Working with literal molecules requires the utmost precision. As such, nitrogen gas is used in many ways throughout the industry to ensure everything remains dry and safe.

  • Dry Boxes– When  critical components are put into boxes for storage, their environment must be maintained so the atoms do not degrade. To make sure the atoms remain intact as needed, nitrogen is infused into the box. It will not react with the materials that are used, and it will make sure no moisture disrupts the molecules.
  • Chemical Inerting – Oxygen has a potentially dangerous reaction with many chemicals. As such, nitrogen is used to displace the oxygen within chemical storage or process tanks. It will make sure the environment does not become hazardous. Nitrogen gas is also used to inert vessels for this same reason.
  • Semi-Conductors– When working on the fabrication of stacked dies, rework, or component solder bumping, it is vital that oxygen is kept away. Nitrogen gas is used to blanket the components to give them a longer oxygen-free processing window. This is especially important with the new mandate of lead-free soldering because of the issue of chemistry aggressiveness. With nitrogen inerting, there is a much higher success rate, especially when the Delta T temperature window is at play.
  • MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) – In MEMS applications, a high purity of nitrogen gas is required to cut back on the dross in soldering applications. Additionally, it effectively reduces surface tension and allows the solder to break away more cleanly. Nitrogen is also used during the testing phase to make sure the atmosphere remains dry.
  • Line Drying – Nitrogen’s dew point is as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the ideal solution for line drying. Not only does it not dew easily, it is completely inert. It eliminates all oxygen so there is no risk of oxidation, and it makes sure there are no explosions.

On Site Nitrogen Generators for Nanotechnology

When it comes to nanotechnology, the option of running out of nitrogen is nonexistent. There must be a steady flow of nitrogen gas to keep the atoms and molecules at the ideal temperature to be effectively manipulated. With On Site Gas Systems, the nanotechnology industry can make their own nitrogen, on demand, making sure they never run out. There are no cylinders to deal with, no storage to worry about, and an extremely high ROI.
To learn more about how our on site nitrogen gas generators can help you, contact us now.

Nitrogen Gas for Manufacturing Molded Plastics

Nitrogen gas is a key component of successful plastic manufacturing. Through various methods, nitrogen gas helps to prevent discoloration and oxidation during the manufacturing process. Additionally, it helps the plastic polymer stay strong, which is especially important when large molds are being used. Here is a closer look at how nitrogen gas is used in plastic manufacturing and why on site nitrogen gas makes it all the more efficient.

Plastic Manufacturing Methods that Rely on Nitrogen Gas

There are several different uses for nitrogen gas, some of which include:

  • Injection Molding– In this method, nitrogen is used as an inert gas to displace any oxygen that is in the mold. Oxygen holds moisture, so if it is molded into the plastics, it can lead to defects. By filling the mold with nitrogen, the manufacturers can be sure no oxygen is present.
  • Gas Assist Injection Molding (GAIM) – Gas assist injection molding is a multi-step process that is used when large plastic parts are being made. The issue with larger molds is that the formed plastic can shrink during the drying stage. However, when nitrogen is injected into the mold, the polymer expands to fill every empty cavity and ensures the polymer does not breakdown during the cooling phase.
  • Plastic Extrusion – In order to create plastic pipes, tubing, etc., a process called extrusion is used. In this method, the polymer is pressed through the molded shape to create a long, continuous form, and nitrogen gas is used to displace all oxygen. If present, the oxygen can lead to damage of both the equipment and the product being made.

On Site Gas Systems for Nitrogen Generation

Nitrogen is a key component of successful plastics manufacturing, so facilities can’t afford to run out. With an on site nitrogen generator from On Site Gas Systems, manufacturers can produce their own nitrogen gas on demand, so they always have it when they need it. They can also produce their own nitrogen at pressures above 3,000 PSIG to meet any needs of molded plastic manufacturers. They can improve efficiency since there is no managing the delivery, removal, or replacement of nitrogen cylinders, and they can save money because the ongoing expense of nitrogen gas is eliminated. Our nitrogen gas generators are ideal for plastic manufacturing and they can generate nitrogen at the purity necessary for flawless results.
If you rely on nitrogen for a quality product and a smooth production process, then you need to contact us today. We will work with you to create a nitrogen generator setup that meets your facility’s production demands, and we will demonstrate how the generator can pay for itself in a lot less time than you think.

The Many Uses of Oxygen Gas

You know you need oxygen to breathe, but did you know there are thousands of companies out there relying on oxygen gas to conduct business? There are hundreds of industrial uses for oxygen gas, and On Site Gas Systems has been providing these companies with the oxygen they require for over 30 years. Here is a look at just some of the oxygen gas uses that exist.

Save Lives

Whether it’s within healthcare facilities, on marine vessels, or on emergency vehicles, a steady oxygen supply is required to save lives every minute of every day. By having an oxygen generator on site, medical facilities can be sure they always have the oxygen they need, even in remote locations.

Improve Wastewater Processing

Without intervention, wastewater takes a lot time to break down, which can result in all kinds of issues. By aerating the wastewater with oxygen, the natural bio-degradation process can occur quicker and without adding harmful chemicals.

Increase the Yield in Gold Mining

Another important use of oxygen gas is for gold mining. In fact, when used, gold miners are able to get a much greater yield for their efforts. They use the oxygen gas to convert the mineral sulfides to sulfates and to convert arsenic into ferric acid. By doing this, the gold is much easier to retrieve and many miners report being able to double their yield.

Make Sure Trout Thrive

When it comes to trout farming, the taste of the trout is dependent on the quality of the conditions the trout is raised in. As such, fish farms and hatcheries inject the water with oxygen. By oxygenizing the water, the fish stay healthy, their appetites increase, and they are substantially larger and tastier when it comes time to sell them.

Blown Glass

Whether it’s making decorative items or medical/science supplies, glass blowing is an extremely common use of oxygen gas. Gas blowers use the oxygen to masterfully create the steady stream of air that is necessary to shape the glass in a multitude of ways.
No matter what oxygen gas is used for, one thing is consistent: companies need on site oxygen generation to ensure they can continue operations. If oxygen runs out, the business comes to a halt, and in the case of medical facilities, lives can be at risk. At On Site Gas Systems, we carry large and small oxygen generation systems, including portable oxygen refilling stations, to make sure every company has oxygen when they need it. To learn more about what oxygen gas uses can benefit your industry, contact us today.

How Nitrogen Is Contributing to Less Expensive Electronics

It’s no secret that the price of electronics has gone down dramatically over the past few years. Televisions that used to cost over $1,000 can now be purchased for a few hundred. So what exactly is causing the price of electronics to drop? It all comes down to the streamlined manufacturing process. And while there are several components involved in the price reduction, a lot of the credit can go to the introduction of nitrogen gas to the surface mount technology process.

Nitrogen’s Role in Reduced Manufacturing Expenses

As you may know, surface mount technology is a meticulous process that requires extreme precision. During the process, solder paste is used to apply each and every tiny component onto the board. However, in order for the paste to get hot enough to melt, it must be placed in a reflow oven. The problem is that solder is metal based, so when it is exposed to the heat and oxygen in the oven, there is a high chance of corrosion.
This corroded solder paste, also called dross, is the most common cause of waste during the surface mount technology process. The damaged paste has to be cleaned from the board, connections have to be reworked, and the process has to start again. This costs the company both material and labor costs that quickly add up.
If the oxygen can be removed from the atmosphere, the amount of wasted solder and bad connections goes down dramatically, which is exactly what nitrogen gas is used for. By blanketing the entire board in nitrogen, there is no room left for oxygen, so boards can be made with significantly less damage along the way. Additionally, the nitrogen cuts back on the surface tension, so when the board is complete, the solder can break away cleanly.

On Site Nitrogen Generators Save Even More

Adding nitrogen to the manufacturing process has saved electronics manufacturers millions of dollars in saved labor and materials, but there is a way they can save even more. With on site nitrogen generators, companies can create their own nitrogen gas on demand instead of dealing with nitrogen cylinder deliveries. There is no risk of the nitrogen running out, and there is no additional overhead every month to pay for the gas. In fact, most companies can recoup the costs of a nitrogen generator within a year or two.
By integrating nitrogen gas into the surface mount technology process, manufacturers can reap the benefits of less waste and fewer re-dos, and by using an on site nitrogen generator to get the gas, they can save even more. If you want to learn more about how nitrogen gas generation can benefit your processes, contact On Site Gas today.

Nitrogen Gas Is the Secret Behind Crisp, Effective Laser Cutting

Lasers are used in many diverse applications, and they aid in the production of everything from cut sheet metal to computer chips. Lasers are essentially extremely intense beams of radiation and they can be refined and guided to help companies perform sharp, precise cuts on a variety of materials. Lasers allow manufacturers to produce more products in less time with a high accuracy rate, and they are in high demand.

How Nitrogen Gas Assists with Laser Cutting

While lasers can transform the way a company does business, they also require extreme precision to be effective. That’s where nitrogen gas comes in. High-purity nitrogen gas (99.99% for most applications) is commonly used in these two ways:

  • It Clears Oxygen from the Cutting Zone– Oxygen is the enemy of most materials, especially metals and electronics. If it comes into contact with the item being cut, it can cause oxidation and discoloration, which results in an inferior product. Nitrogen gas is used to displace the oxygen and keep the work area free from the risks it brings.
  • It Ensures a Clean Beam Path and Optics Head – Nitrogen isn’t only good for displacing oxygen. At a high enough pressure, it can remove any type of particulate from the surface it touches. As such, it is used in laser cutting to clear the beam path from any substances that may cause laser distortion. It is also used to remove any moisture or particulate from the optics head.

Nitrogen Gas Benefits Laser Cutting in Many Ways

When incorporated into the laser cutting process as mentioned above, nitrogen gas provides manufacturers with the following benefits:

  • Allows for stronger paint adhesion
  • Protects the delicate parts of the laser
  • Makes sure the cutting zone is clean from any dross or molten metal
  • Minimizes laser distortion
  • Ensures a better-quality end product

On Site Gas Provides Nitrogen Generation for Laser Cutting

Manufacturers who use laser cutting rely on nitrogen gas for a smooth, efficient production process and a high-quality finished product, so they can’t afford to be without it. With on site nitrogen generation provided by On Site Gas, manufacturers no longer have to worry about running out of the nitrogen gas they rely on for production. Instead, they can create their own on-demand nitrogen gas and always have the supply they need. Not only that, but with on site nitrogen gas, they can eliminate all of the hassle and repeated expenses associated with nitrogen cylinders.
When it comes to laser cutting, precision is everything. With an on site nitrogen generator, manufacturers can be sure they always have the nitrogen necessary to maintain flawless end results. To learn more about how on site nitrogen generation can benefit your manufacturing company, contact us today.

Why All Marine Vessels with Medical Facilities Need an Oxygen Filling Station Onboard

From private yachts to cruise ships, if there is a medical facility onboard a marine vessel, then an oxygen filling station is a must. With the USP 93 oxygen generators from On Site Gas Systems, both commercial and personal facilities can be sure that when there is a medical emergency they will have the oxygen supply required to keep the patient healthy.

About Our Oxygen Filling Station

Our newest oxygen filling station is the O-7-FS-T, which is both an on-site oxygen generator and oxygen cylinder refill booster in one. Everything needed is contained in one inconspicuous cabinet, including the mufflers, air compressor, sieve beds, oxygen sensor, oxygen tank, human machine interface (HMI), and a programmable logic controller (PLC). This oxygen filling station can withstand a wide variety of indoor temperatures and does not produce condensation even in a 90% humidity level, making it an ideal option for marine applications.

Benefits of an Oxygen Cylinder Refill Machine for Marine Applications

If your ship is still relying on oxygen cylinder delivery, then you are wasting valuable time and money and putting your patients at risk. With an oxygen filling station, you never have to worry about running out of oxygen. You will also experience these benefits:

  • Fill Cylinders Quickly – With this advanced oxygen generator and oxygen tank refill station, you can effectively fill cylinders at a rate of 6 LPM up to 2200 PSI.
  • Eliminate the Need to Load/Unload Cylinders– Having to load and unload oxygen cylinders from a ship can be a complicated and time-consuming task. You not only have to arrange for the deliveries, you have to worry about storing the filled and empty cylinders within your limited square footage.
  • Get Oxygen No Matter Where You Are – With an oxygen filling station aboard your ship, it doesn’t matter if you are in the middle of the ocean or docked on an unknown shore, you can get USP 93 oxygen required for safe use.
  • Know You Have a Reliable Oxygen Supply – Whether you have five people onboard or 5,000, you don’t want to have to worry about running out of oxygen when it becomes a life or death situation. With an oxygen generator and filling station, you have unlimited oxygen tank refills so that every patient can be treated properly and swiftly.

If you have a medical facility onboard your marine vessel, you don’t want to take any chances with cylinder delivery. Trust On Site Gas Systems to provide you with the oxygen you need for peace of mind. To learn more, contact us now.

Nitrogen Gas Is Essential for the Electronics Industry

Surface mount technology is now the standard way of manufacturing in the electronics industry. By using surface mount technology, electronics can be created in a safer environment, and since the process is simpler, the electronics can be manufactured faster. However, this method is extremely sensitive to the environment around it. If not performed in an extremely controlled environment, surface mount technology will not be effective.

How Nitrogen Gas Ensures the Proper Environment for the Electronics Industry

When manufacturing electronics using surface mount technology, precision is paramount. Every detail must be perfect for the soldering to work, and nitrogen gas plays a key role in this, and it does so by displacing all of the oxygen. Oxygen is solders enemy. If oxygen interacts with solder, it will break down its particles and compromise its integrity. By literally placing a blanket of nitrogen gas over the circuit board during manufacturing, there is no chance of oxidation, ensuring a strong solder is achieved. In addition to eliminating the oxygen from the air, nitrogen gas also reduces the amount of dross that is created and it cuts back on the surface tension so that the solder can be finished off properly.

Nitrogen Gas in Action

With our onsite nitrogen generator, companies are able to ensure a consistent supply of nitrogen gas. There is no risk of running out, and there is no hassle with nitrogen cylinders. One of our recent customers from the electronics industry, Apollo Seiko, reached out to us to let us know how our onsite nitrogen generator saved the day and continues to improve their operations.
Apollo Seiko is revolutionizing the soldering industry with their creation of soldering machines that are able to perform with precision. They were recently invited to showcase their incredible technology at the IPC APEX EXPO 2018, but they didn’t know if they would be able to source enough nitrogen gas for their F-CAT Fountain Soldering Machine in such a short amount of time. Luckily, they were told about an onsite nitrogen generator by On Site Gas Systems, and they were able to showcase their cutting-edge technology with ease. Since this experience, Apollo Seiko is the proud owner of an N-25-TGN system from On Site Gas, and they recommend the onsite nitrogen generator to anyone who will listen.
With the use of an onsite nitrogen generator, the electronics industry can make sure they have the proper conditions for successful manufacturing. They can create their own nitrogen on demand and eliminate their dependency on nitrogen cylinders. To learn more about how our onsite nitrogen generator can save you time, hassle, and money, contact us now.

Why Your Microbrewery Needs an Onsite Nitrogen Generator

While the ingredients in beer are basic, making beer is anything but. It is basically one big chemistry experiment, and every detail needs to be perfect for the beer to have the ideal taste and mouthfeel. And one of the key components of this process is nitrogen.

Why a Nitrogen Generator for Craft Brewery?

The basic brewing process can be broken down into four steps: malting, mashing, boiling, and fermenting — and nitrogen is used in many of them. Here are just some of the ways to use a nitrogen generator for a craft brewery:

  • Nitrogen gas is used to completely clean out tanks between batches. The nitrogen removes any wort, mash, or beer to make sure it doesn’t oxidize in the tank and add an unwelcome sour flavor to the next batch.
  • Nitrogen gas can displace the carbon dioxide and oxygen in a tank to help move the beer from one tank to the next.
  • Nitrogen gas is injected into a keg before shipping or storage to help pressurize it.
  • Nitrogen gas can be infused into the beer itself during the brewing process. Instead of solely using carbon dioxide to create carbonation, a mixture of 70% nitrogen and 30% carbon dioxide is used. This gives the beer a more complex taste and mouthfeel.

Benefits of On Site Nitrogen Generators for Breweries

With so many uses for nitrogen in the brewing process, it just makes sense to use a nitrogen generator for a microbrewery. Instead of ordering nitrogen in bulk, dealing with empty cylinders, scheduling deliveries and pickups, and wasting the gas in the process, you can create your own nitrogen on demand. Here is a close look at the benefits of nitrogen generators for breweries:

  • Save Time — If you rely on nitrogen deliveries, there is a good chance you will face delivery delays at some point. This means you have to halt production until your gas supply is replenished. With an onsite nitrogen generator, you will never run out because you are making your own.
  • Reduce Costs — Even though a nitrogen generator for a microbrewery costs more money upfront, these costs are usually recouped within a couple of years. Which means over time, the cost of using nitrogen gas goes down dramatically because there will be no recurring charges.

Choose an Onsite Nitrogen Generator for a Microbrewery

With so many uses for nitrogen gas in the brewing process, and so many benefits of using nitrogen generators for breweries, the choice is pretty clear: with on-demand, onsite nitrogen gas, you can save time and money and make a better beer. To learn more about how an onsite nitrogen generator can help your beer brewing endeavors, contact us now.

Common Uses of Nitrogen Gas: What is Nitrogen Gas Used For?

The nitrogen gas uses of the product can be  for a lot more things than you may realize. From food packaging to electronics production to mining, nitrogen gas is used in multiple applications every day. And these industries often rely on the nitrogen being delivered in nitrogen gas cylinders, which logistically can be a hassle, and it can also be expensive. A better alternative is a nitrogen generator.

What are Nitrogen Gas Generators Used for?

In short, a nitrogen generator is used to produce n2 gas, on site, in many different industries. With a nitrogen gas generator available, companies are able to produce the nitrogen gas they need, when they need it, eliminating the need for nitrogen gas cylinder delivery and the worry of running out.

What are the Industrial Uses for Nitrogen (N2) Gas?

Nitrogen gas is used in many varying industries—a few of them are highlighted below:

  • Food Packaging – Nitrogen gas is used to displace oxygen in food packaging. By eliminating the oxygen, the food can last longer. It can also add a cushion around the food to keep it safe from breaking in transport.
  • Light Bulb Production – In incandescent light bulbs, nitrogen gas is often used as a cheaper alternative to argon.
  • Chemical Plants – Nitrogen gas is used to displace oxygen and prevent explosions in highly dangerous atmospheres, such as chemical plants and manufacturing facilities./li>
  • Tire Inflation – Nitrogen gas offers many benefits when used to fill tires, such as giving them a longer life by reducing oxidation. It also improves tire pressure retention to give drivers better gas mileage.
  • Electronics – When electronics are being assembled, nitrogen gas is used for soldering. Using n2 gas reduces the surface tension to provide a cleaner breakaway from the solder site.
  • Stainless Steel Manufacturing – By electroplating the stainless steel with nitrogen gas, the finished product is stronger and resistant to corrosion.
  • Pollution Control – Nitrogen gas can be used to remove the VOCs in liquids before they are discarded.
  • Pharmaceuticals – Almost every major drug class contains some nitrogen gas, even antibiotics. Nitrogen gas, in the form of nitrous oxide, is also used as an anesthetic.
  • Mining – In the mining industry, nitrogen gas is used to quickly extinguish fires by eliminating the oxygen from the air. And when an area is going to be abandoned, they use nitrogen to ensure the area will not explode.

As you can see, there are many uses for nitrogen gas in several diverse industries—and this list is only the tip of the iceberg. By using a nitrogen gas generator for their nitrogen needs instead of worrying about nitrogen gas cylinder deliveries, companies can increase their efficiency and save time and money. To learn more about how a nitrogen gas generator can help you, contact us now.