Nitrogen Gas On Site In the Mining Industry

Nitrogen plays a critical role in the mining industry, and with a nitrogen gas generator on site, mines can be prepared for any situation that arises. There are two main reasons to use nitrogen gas for mining:

Nitrogen Gas to Extinguish Fires

The main reason to keep a nitrogen gas generator on site at any mining location is to extinguish fires. Fires at a coal mine are a nightmare for both ecological and economical reasons. In fact, some coal mine fires can cost the company as much as two million dollars per day. With nitrogen, a fire can be easily extinguished.
By displacing the oxygen within the mine, the fire can no longer flourish. However, depending on the size of the fire, the process of continuous nitrogen gas injection is required for days, weeks, or even months. This makes having a coal mine nitrogen generator a necessity. Our mine nitrogen generators are extremely portable, produce a consistent supply of nitrogen, and can be used at even the most remote locations.

Nitrogen Gas to Inert Abandoned Areas

The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) requires that all sealed areas of the mine are kept inert, or chemically inactive, in order to prevent any explosions in these areas. The other option is to use high pressure seals.  Nitrogen is used to displace the oxygen until there is less than 10% oxygen in the air. As atmospheric conditions change the air in many underground areas will also change resulting in increasing oxygen levels.  This may require continuous nitrogen injection.  With an on-site coal mine nitrogen generator, nitrogen can be produced whenever it is necessary instead of having to wait for it to be delivered.

Why Nitrogen Membrane Generators from On Site Gas Systems

Nitrogen gas for mining is vital, and with an on-site nitrogen gas generator, the mine can save time and money while ensuring their workers stay safe and protected. On Site Gas Systems is renowned for our dependable coal mine nitrogen generators that are available as needed in times of emergency. Our mine nitrogen generators have been used to help extinguish the Pikesville Mine fire in Kentucky, the Buchanan Mine fire in Virginia, and the West Elk Mine fire in Colorado, just to name a few. We were fully operating at each location within 24 hours of learning about the need for a nitrogen generator at these fires.
Whether you need a mine nitrogen generator in an emergency, or you want to have one on hand just in case, you can depend on the nitrogen gas generators by On Site Gas Systems. To learn more about the benefits of our coal mine nitrogen generators, contact us now.

Introducing the O-7-FS-T Oxygen Filling Station

At On Site Gas Systems, we are always innovating the industry to help make your life easier. The latest addition to our lineup is a new and improved oxygen cylinder filling station. Ideal for a variety of industries, including hospitals, first responders, disaster response teams, fire stations, and veterinarians, the O-7-FS-T oxygen filling station can be used on site to fill cylinders to 2250 PSIG with 93 ± 3% oxygen.

About the New O-7-FS-T Oxygen Cylinder Filling Station

The O-7-FS-T is a complete oxygen generator that is housed within an inconspicuous cabinet. It contains everything necessary to generate oxygen and fill oxygen cylinders right on site, wherever that may be. It includes an air compressor, oxygen sensor, oxygen tank, mufflers, sieve beds, pressure transducers, a booster, an HMI (human machine interface) and a PLC (programmable logic controller). This oxygen filling station is capable of producing low-purity oxygen, and it automatically purges low pressure. Built to last in a variety of situations, the O-7-FS-T is able to withstand indoor temperatures ranging from 40 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is non-condensing in humidity levels up to 90%.

Benefits of the O-7-FS-T Oxygen Tank Filling Station:

Nitrogen Fill Station
Here is a look at the benefits of this new-and-improved oxygen cylinder filling station:

  • Minimized Foot Print – Since it takes up less space, this oxygen filling station can be used in more diverse situations. The total size of the O-7-FS-T is a mere 20.25 inches wide by 21 inches deep. It is 52 inches tall and weighs 300 pounds.
  • Improved Efficiency – By integrating a PLC controlled with HMI, we are able to make this oxygen filling station simpler to use, saving you valuable time.
  • Built-in Oxygen Analyzer – There’s no need to worry about analyzing the oxygen purity independently when the oxygen tank filling station does it for you.
  • Reduced Noise Output – The O-7-FS-T oxygen filling station produces less than 70 dB(A) from one meter in front of the unit.
  • Lower Power Requirements – This electrical single-phase oxygen filling station only uses 1300 watts of power, helping to reduce your energy expenses.
  • Easy to Operate – This oxygen filling station is effortless to use. You simply attach an empty cylinder and turn it on. There are no complicated processes or confusing switches to master.

The O-7-FS-T oxygen cylinder filling station is ideal if you are looking for a quick, simple way to generate your own oxygen and fill tanks on site. To learn more about our upgraded oxygen cylinder filling station, or to inquire about any of our other oxygen and nitrogen solutions, contact us today.

The Perfect Pint – Nitrogen Gas for Beer in Bars

Craft beer has never been bigger, so it’s important that breweries and bars find a way to make themselves stand out from the competition. One way to do this is with nitrogen infused beer. For decades, carbon dioxide has been used to give beers their famous frothy head, but by putting nitrogen in beer, the beer becomes even smoother and creamier. Many say that nitrogen beer also has a better, less bitter taste. Here’s what you need to know to pour the perfect pint with a nitrogen beer system.

The Complete Nitrogen Beer System

Since you already have a full kegging system at your bar, there are only a few more things you will need to serve nitrogen infused beer:

  • The Perfect Pint – Nitrogen Gas for Beer in BarsNitrogen Gas – Of course, you are going to need nitrogen cylinders if you want to put nitrogen in beer; however, there is a better way than dealing with cylinder deliveries and pick-ups. Instead, get the Nitrogen Blast installed in your bar or brewery and make nitrogen on demand whenever you need it.
  • Nitrogen Regulator – In order to handle the increased pressure of nitrogen, you will need a specific regulator made for nitrogen beer. This regulator is also compatible with the connectors on nitrogen cylinders.
  • Nitrogen Faucet – The faucet is the secret component to pouring the perfect nitrogen infused beer. It has an internal restrictor plate that has very small holes in it, and as the beer is forced through them, the carbon dioxide is reduced and the creamy feel of the nitrogen shines through.

Pouring the Nitrogen Infused Beer

Now that you have the equipment in place, it’s time to perfect the pour. You probably already know the proper pouring technique, but when you add nitrogen, everything changes. Be prepared for some trial and error to get it right, and use these tips to help you get it right:

  • With most nitrogen beer systems, a 30-35 psi works the best. If you have too much foam, your psi is too high, and if there is no cascade, then it is too low. You should start with a psi of 25 and then gradually increase it until you have the perfect balance.
  • As far as the gas blend goes, most people pouring nitrogen infused beer opt for a mix of 75% nitrogen and 25% carbon dioxide. But again, you can experiment with this to see what gives you the best result.

While it may seem daunting, once you get the process of dispensing nitrogen infused beer down, you will have a beautiful, delicious, enviable beer to serve your customers. To learn more about our on-site nitrogen beer system, contact us today.

Visit On Site Gas Systems at the EastPack Trade Show

The largest annual packaging, manufacturing, and design event is coming to New York, and we couldn’t be more excited. The EastPack Trade Show is the most comprehensive packaging expo on the East Coast, bringing together more than 900 exhibitors and over 9,000 attendees. This year, it will take place from June 13 to June 15 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, and we hope to see you there!

About the EastPack Trade Show

The EastPack Trade Show is sponsored by Packaging Digest, amongst others, and is loaded with opportunities to learn from the best minds in the industry, experience the latest innovations, and network with thousands of like minds. And this year, Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, is the Keynote Speaker, so that is sure to be insightful.
Perhaps the most exciting feature of the EastPack Trade Show is that it will share the expo space with five other incredible advanced manufacturing, packaging, and design trade shows, and you get access to them all with the Conference Pass. The EastPack Trade Show exhibitors will introduce you to the most advanced, cutting-edge technologies in the packaging and manufacturing industry, and we are thrilled to be a part of it.

How On Site Gas Systems Can Help

We are excited to introduce the benefits of on-site nitrogen and oxygen generation to the thousands of people who can improve their efficiency and increase their bottom line by incorporating our systems. We will be demonstrating how our on-site gas systems can solve some of the toughest packaging challenges out there, and we will be available to answer any and all questions regarding our nitrogen and oxygen generators.
From extending shelf life in the food industry, to providing proper headspace in the chemical industry, to removing contaminants in the pharmaceutical industry, our on-site nitrogen generators will change the way these brands do business.
No matter what type of packaging you use or what industry you are in, On Site Gas Systems will help you find a solution that is customized to your specific needs. With an on-site nitrogen or oxygen generator, you don’t have to deal with the hassle of cylinder deliveries or bulk gas purchases. Many of our clients recoup the costs of their generator quickly, improving their bottom line dramatically in the long term.
We have modified atmosphere packaging solutions for nearly every industry, and we would love to show you how we can help you improve the way you do business. To learn more, contact us now, or visit us at Booth 2944 at the EastPack Trade Show. We hope to see you there!

Self Contained Nitrogen Generators

What Are Self Contained Nitrogen Generators?

A self contained nitrogen generator allows you to produce your own nitrogen right at your facility, bypassing nitrogen cylinder delivery. You can either set it up to produce a continuous supply, or you can generate nitrogen on demand.
No matter your industry, a nitrogen generator can make life a lot easier—and the nitrogen generator will pay for itself with the amount of money you save on cylinders. Here is a closer look at the two main types of nitrogen generators available:

PSA Nitrogen Generators

A PSA nitrogen generator is a nitrogen generator that uses pressure swing adsorption to generate oxygen. Adsorption is the process of separating molecules, so a PSA nitrogen generator literally separates the nitrogen from the oxygen in the air. The oxygen molecules are smaller, so the sieve material absorbs them, and the nitrogen molecules are larger, so they continue on into the nitrogen receiver. A PSA nitrogen generator is an excellent, economical way to have nitrogen on demand. It provides reliable year-to-year gas costs and gives you a rapid return on your investment.

Membrane Nitrogen Generators

A membrane nitrogen generator is a fully functional, ready-to-go system. We build it according to your exact specifications and then ship it to you ready to put online. A membrane nitrogen generator can be customized to be compatible with any compression equipment, making it ideal for a wide array of applications.
A membrane nitrogen generator works by feeding pressurized air into hollow fibers. These fibers contain small holes that force the oxygen molecules to exit the system when under pressure. Any CO2 and water vapor in the air will also permeate through the walls of the fibers. However, nitrogen molecules are larger and they are extremely dry, so they do not easily saturate into the fibers. This means they are the only particles that survive the membranes). These nitrogen particles are then collected for you to use. If you require a lower purity of nitrogen, you simply need to decrease the speed at which the air is dispersed. Since there are no moving parts in membrane nitrogen generators, they are very low maintenance, and they are able to produce a constant nitrogen supply.
To learn more about our self contained nitrogen generators, or to find out which one will work the best for your application, contact us today.

How Much Nitrogen Gas Should I Add for Increased Shelf Life of Food?

Nitrogen is one of the most popular gases for modified atmosphere packaging. By displacing the oxygen within your food packaging, nitrogen is able to dramatically increase the shelf life of your food products—meaning less waste and happier customers.

How Nitrogen Extends Shelf Life

Modified atmosphere packaging is an important part of food preservation because it eliminates the oxygen and replaces it with nitrogen. As you know, bacteria, such as mold and mildew, rely on oxygen to grow. When you remove the oxygen, your food will last longer on the shelf. Nitrogen for food preservation is also relevant because it fills up every pocket of space within your packaging, so there is nowhere for moisture to get in. A modified atmosphere packaging machine allows you to easily replace the oxygen with nitrogen right onsite, greatly reducing the amount of waste your company has and saving your company thousands of dollars per year.

Determining How Much Nitrogen for Food Preservation

When it comes to determining how much nitrogen for food preservation, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. There are many factors that go into play with modified atmosphere packaging, but in general, these are the five characteristics you need to consider:

  • The Natural Shelf Life – Foods that go bad quickly will obviously require more nitrogen for food preservation than shelf-stable foods like honey or dried beans.
  • The Type of Gas Mixture – Nitrogen is not the only gas used in modified atmosphere packaging. In fact, UNIDO has compiled some recommended gas mixtures for different types of foods. Those with the highest moisture contents, such as fresh pasta or pastries, will usually use 99-99.9% nitrogen, while others use a mix of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
  • The Type of Packaging – How heavy duty is the material you are using? Is it porous and prone to punctures, or solid and dense? If there is a chance of any gas escaping, you need to keep that in mind when determining how much nitrogen you need when using a modified atmosphere packaging machine.
  • The Storage Conditions – Is your product going to be stored on an open shelf, or will it be kept refrigerated or frozen? Foods stored at room temperature generally need more nitrogen.

Essentially, the amount of nitrogen that you will require for modified atmosphere packaging is extremely variable. Oftentimes, a trial and error process is necessary to figure out what will give your food an optimal shelf life. With an onsite nitrogen generator from On Site Gas Systems, you can have the nitrogen you need, when you need it, making modified atmosphere packaging easier than ever. To learn more about nitrogen for food preservation, contact us now.

What Is a Nitrogen Generator?


What Is a Nitrogen Generator?A nitrogen generator produces nitrogen from standard compressed air, replacing the need for a delivered supply in the form of high pressure cylinders, liquid mini-tanks or bulk storage vessels. The process results in a safe, inert, and consistent flow of stabilized industrial nitrogen gas.
Business owners can choose between pressure swing adsorption (PSA) or membrane technology to serve their nitrogen generation needs.

What Is the Pressure Swing Adsorption Nitrogen Generation Process?

On Site Gas Systems PSA technology is frequently sought and purchased by businesses that need high nitrogen purity and a required flow rate while saving about 50 percent per year on annual gas expenses.
Part One: Adsorption
Adsorption is the first part of the PSA process. A PSA system features two adsorption towers or vessels that are filled with Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS.) As compressed and dried air flows through one tower, oxygen is adsorbed in the CMS. The remaining nitrogen flows into the buffer tank to ensure a steady downstream supply. On Site Gas Systems is able to provide a range of nitrogen purities.
Part Two: Desorption
As one bed is in the adsorption process the second bed is in the desorption process. This process releases the trapped oxygen molecules from the adsorption process back to the atmosphere. The vessel is now ready to start the adsorption process again.
The total time that the PSA nitrogen generation process takes is a mere 60 seconds.

What Are Additional Benefits of Investing in an On Site PSA Nitrogen Generator?

In addition to the overall savings, you may need some additional information about how having an On Site Gas PSA nitrogen generator can help your business. Consider just a few of the following advantages that our nitrogen generators can offer your business:

  • An average return on investment within the first 15 months of purchase.
  • We provide on-demand systems designed for 24/7 use, which means that the more the system runs, the more money you save.
  • You will not see any losses from your product venting into the atmosphere.
  • There is no boil-off of gas, as there would be with the cryogenic process.
  • Nitrogen generators do not have special safety concerns, so the generator can be located on the shop floor, right where it’s needed most.
  • Having the generator close to the application means you do not need to place large bulk tanks in other areas, which translates into more space for other needs. It also means costs to pipe the plant drop considerably.
  • You will not need to switch out cylinders and dewars, so productivity stays high, and risk of injury stays low.
  • You will use less electricity with On Site Gas’ nitrogen generators than you would with other options, meaning overall costs and carbon footprint remain low.

What Are the Most Common Uses for PSA Nitrogen Generation Processing?

Applications in industries that rely on an environment rich in compressed and stable nitrogen, and without oxidation and potential combustion, use PSA nitrogen processing and include:

  • The preservation of packed or bulk products in the food processing industry.
  • The delay of rancidity in wine that would occur quickly without nitrogen generation, allowing for prolonged freshness.
  • The safe and stabilized storage of paints and solvents.
  • The production of electronic parts, such as integrated circuits and transistors, to prevent moisture and oxidation.

Those are only a few of the possible uses for nitrogen generation to provide safe and high-quality products that can withstand a reasonably long shelf life without the worry of oxidation or combustion.
If you believe your company might benefit from having a nitrogen generator on site, but you need more information, contact us at On Site Gas to discuss your many options.

Consider An Industrial N2 Filling Station


Consider An Industrial N2 Filling StationNow is the right time to consider an industrial N2 filling station for your company. On Site Gas Systems offers Nitrogen Cylinder filling stations, and we can provide your enterprise with a number of different types and sizes of systems to meet your requirements
N2 filling stations allow refilling of cylinders instead of ordering pre-filled options from another company. The ability to refill nitrogen cylinders as needed saves your company time and money, while increasing reliability. You can meet your nitrogen needs with on-site and on-demand nitrogen and never have to worry about running out.

Saving Money on Nitrogen Cylinders

All companies want to save money, and yours can save substantial amounts by refilling nitrogen cylinders. Buying pre-filled cylinders from a gas provider can be expensive and fraught with hassle: you have to rely on prompt delivery, and any delay can cause you to run out, which can reduce or even shut down production. That loss of productivity costs money, above and beyond the price of filled cylinders.
On Site Gas has a perfect solution for your business. Instead of hiring a company to bring filled cylinders, then exchanging the empty ones, you can fill your own. A nitrogen generator system allows you to add a filling station right in your facility, which means eliminating high prices for filled cylinders, as well as relieving concern about receiving refills in a timely fashion. Additionally, refilling cylinders eliminates the safety concerns of storing filled nitrogen cylinders and an On Site Gas Systems filling station takes up very little space.

Installation of an Industrial N2 Filling Station

The majority of filling stations use a booster pump from the generator system to fill cylinders to 2200 PSIG. If you need higher pressure, On Site can help. We have many options to ensure you have the nitrogen your business needs the moment it’s needed. Having an industrial N2 filling station is an efficient way of reducing costs, speeding up the process of production, and making sure your business isn’t sitting idle because there’s no nitrogen.
Ready to add an N2 filling station to your company’s nitrogen generator system? On Site is ready to help. Please contact us today.

What’s the Deal with This “Nitro Cold Brew” all the Coffee Drinkers Love?

coffee-tap_0_0When you think about it, nitro cold brews were inevitable. Amid the current passion over craft beers — and in a world full of creative brew-masters — it makes sense to apply similar principles to another popular beverage staple. Cold brewed, stored in a keg and infused with nitrogen (hence the “nitro”), the coffee connoisseur website Dr. Axe notes how closely nitro cold brew mimics the experience of drinking a cold beer straight from the tap.
Imagine your favorite cup of joe, chilled, frothy and brimming with soft, velvety carbonation. Each expertly poured serving features a mug full of icy cold coffee with a head much like that of the world-famous Guinness Stout. With Guinness having developed the nitro cold brewing process, baristas strive to ensure each pour foams like that of the masters.

Why A Nitro Cold Brew is Essential to the Growth of your Small Coffee Shop

Similar to craft beer drinkers, coffee aficionados tend to follow trends, and are generally eager to experience adventures led by teams at their favorite small coffee shop. If you are looking for ways to help promote growth for your own small coffee shop, nitro cold brewing is essential. This science-based brewing process may seem complex, but your willingness to take the leap is likely to pay off.
There are plenty of additional reasons that nitro cold brew is essential to the growth of your small coffee shop, including the following:

  • You can stay competitive in your market. The popularity of the velvety and bubbly goodness of nitro coffee is catching on, and more coffee shops are expanding their repertoire to incorporate nitro capabilities. You do not want to start losing customers to neighborhood coffee sellers and have to attract your customers all over again. Men’s Journal states that nitro brew coffee is the best thing to happen to coffee since ice, so it appears that nitro coffee is likely here to stay for the long haul.
  • You offer something that home brew machines cannot. With so many personal coffee brewers and accompanying pods that bring coffee shop flavor to coffee lovers’ homes, you can offer an unusual treat they can’t make at home with a nitro brew.
  • Nitro brewed coffee features more caffeine and zero sugar, milk, or alcohol. With 30 percent more caffeine than regular coffee, and free of fats and sugars, nitro coffee may just be the Holy Grail for die hard coffee drinkers.
  • The flavor is all coffee without any bitterness. Business Insider cites the running theory that nitro-infusion slows down degradation of coffee’s compounds, which bypasses the usual “rust effect” that gives coffee a bitter and sour taste. Nitro brewing helps slow oxidation to extend shelf life, making each frothy mug taste fresher and smoother than traditional brews.

Taking the plunge into nitro brewing has the potential to offer creative rewards for your small coffee shop and staff, as well as keeping your loyal customers lining up at your door each morning. On Site Gas Systems offers our new Nitro-Blast System so you can offer Nitro-coffee in your coffee shop.
The team at On Site Gas understands the challenges and extensive rewards involved with the nitro-infusion process, so when you are ready to start your own nitro brewing adventures in your small coffee shop, please contact us so we can help.

Nitrogen Gas Infuses Benefits to Winemaking Industry

Nitrogen Infusion for WinemakersOxidation, bacteria, and spoilage are a winemaker’s worst enemies, threatening profits and sales. Nitrogen can be used to help prevent oxidation, which occurs when wine is exposed to too much oxygen. And the use of nitrogen throughout various stages of the winemaking process helps preserve color, flavor, and aroma of any wine.

Why Nitrogen in the winemaking process?

Nitrogen is a colorless and odorless gas, which makes it possible to use without wine/wine bottle discoloration or a negative impact on the wine’s taste. Specifically, nitrogen gas can be used during transfer and bottling of any wine to help reduce waste, save the winemaker money, increase employee safety, and reduce environmental impact.

Nitrogen’s Role in Winemaking

Nitrogen gas can be used to prevent oxidation during three specific stages of the winemaking process.

  • Flushing: There is a risk of too much oxygen exposure when wine is transferred between containers through housing pumps and hoses. By flushing these pumps, hoses, and filling bowls before bottling begins, unwanted oxidation can be prevented early on.
  • Sparging: Wine naturally dissolves oxygen during the fermentation and aging process, so sparging can come in handy as a means of applying nitrogen in the form of extremely small gas bubbles. This works to remove any released oxygen and preserve the wine.
  • Blanketing: When it comes time to bottle wine, bottles can be flushed with nitrogen both before and after filling. Nitrogen can also be applied to partially filled barrels or tanks to displace oxygen.

Additional Nitrogen Benefits to Winemakers

Winemakers of all sizes can benefit from using nitrogen in the process by cutting down on waste caused by oxidation and spoilage. And costs associated with setting up on-site nitrogen generation equipment can pay for itself many times in the long-term.
On Site Gas Systems specializes in installing nitrogen generation systems. Whether you’re already using nitrogen gas in your process or are new to the idea, having an on-site nitrogen generation source can simplify your business and improve workplace safety.
And when you don’t rely on diesel delivery trucks to supply your nitrogen each month, you’ll help reduce your company’s carbon footprint. You’ll also save anywhere from 40% to 80% compared to delivered nitrogen, the price of which can fluctuate throughout the year.
The use of nitrogen in winemaking isn’t new, but we’re revolutionizing the way winemakers access nitrogen to make the process more profitable for you. To learn more about our nitrogen generation services, contact On Site Gas Systems today. We’d love to speak with you about how our services can help support — and grow — your winemaking businesses.
Check out Onsite’s recent feature in The Grapevine Magazine.