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On-site Nitrogen Generators Improve Electronics Manufacturing


Nitrogren Gas in Electronics Manufacturing

In today’s world of electronics manufacturing, it’s all about using surface mount technology. Not only are these devices safer and easier to produce than their leaded predecessors, they also perform better—as long as they are created under the right conditions. That’s where nitrogen gas generators from On Site Gas Systems comes in.

Why Nitrogen Gas for Electronics Manufacturing?

It’s no secret that the manufacturing of electronics is complex, and the process requires precision—there is no room for error. Nitrogen gas works to ensure this perfection is achieved in three ways:

  • Maintains the Ideal Atmosphere – Electronics manufacturing calls for a very specific temperature and environment to work successfully. With nitrogen gas, both can be achieved and sustained throughout the entire workday.
  • Produces Crisper Results – Pure nitrogen gas is also required in electronics manufacturing to ensure sharp finishes. It cuts down on the amount of dross that is formed in the soldering process, while also reducing surface tension to allow the solder to cleanly break away.
  • Prevents Oxidation – In convection reflow and selective soldering, nitrogen gas is crucial in order to eliminate the oxygen from the air, otherwise oxidation can occur, which weakens the solder. With nitrogen gas, the amount of oxygen is greatly reduced so the integrity of the solder can remain intact.

Why an On-site Nitrogen Generator?

The need for nitrogen gas in electronics manufacturing is clear, and when you break it down, so is the need for an on-site nitrogen generator from On Site Gas Systems. Here’s why:

  • Eliminates Dependency – When electronics manufacturers need nitrogen gas, they oftentimes rely on the delivery of nitrogen gas. However, this causes them to be dependent on someone else for their supply, and it usually requires a contract. With an on-site nitrogen gas generator from On Site Gas Systems, electronics manufacturing companies are able to produce their own nitrogen gas supply. This means they will always have it available when they need it and they don’t have to worry about the logistics of getting nitrogen gas cylinders or N2 bottles
  • An On-Site N2 Generator Reduces Expenses – It is true that there is an upfront cost to get an on-site nitrogen generator from On Site Gas Systems, but even the Surface Mount Technology Association believes that it is well worth it. Since the nitrogen gas improves the quality of the electronics manufacturing tenfold, there are fewer repairs needed. You can further increase your saving by generating your Nitrogen On Site and On Demand. After a short time, the on-site nitrogen generator will pay for itself by greatly reducing the amount spent for your nitrogen needs.

An on-site nitrogen gas generator from On Site Gas Systems is ideal for use in electronics manufacturing. Not only does it improve the quality of the product and the efficiency of the facility, it also eliminates the need for nitrogen gas deliveries.

If you are ready to experience the ease of use and cost savings an on-site nitrogen generator can provide, contact On Site Gas Systems today.

Nitrogen Gas Generators for Heat Treating

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Heat Treating, Nitrogen Gas
Nitrogen gas is a lightweight, odorless gas that is common and unassuming, yet, without it, the heat treating process wouldn’t be nearly as effective. This common gas, when produced at a purity of 95% to 99.999% by our N2 generators, is instrumental to ensure a strong and beautiful end result, whether in a kiln or a furnace.

How Nitrogen Gas Helps with Heat Treating

During the heat treating process, two things are found in abundance: heat and pressure. Whether metal or another material is undergoing the heat treating process, oxygen is the enemy. Any metal over 600 degrees Fahrenheit will oxidize if it comes into contact with oxygen. This causes the product to become discolored and weakened. Even if it finishes the heat treating process intact, the item will not be as strong or as beautiful as it could be if no oxygen was present.
That’s where nitrogen gas comes in. Heat treating facilities use nitrogen gas to purge the oxygen from the air to guarantee their product will not come into contact with this quality-ruining gas. With a never-ending supply of nitrogen gas from an N2 generator, they can consistently keep the air free from oxygen and shield the iron, steel, and other metals from oxidization.

How On Site Gas Systems Helps Heat Treating Companies

Since nitrogen gas is so crucial to heat treating, it’s clear that it would be detrimental to run out of the supply during the process. With an N2 generator from On Site Gas Systems, this no longer has to be a concern. Companies can produce their own pure nitrogen gas right onsite, so they can rest easy knowing they will never run out.
Beyond that, heat treating companies love their N2 generators from On Site Gas Systems because they don’t have to bother with scheduling deliveries of nitrogen cylinders, and then waiting around for the driver to show up. They also don’t have to panic if a truck breaks down or there is inclement weather that causes the deliveries to be halted.
Heat treating companies especially love the amount of money they save with an N2 generator from On Site Gas Systems. Not only does an N2 generator quickly recoup the cost of the initial investment in the amount of nitrogen gas it produces, it also improves the quality of the product that is manufactured so less money is wasted on ruined materials.
If you are ready to improve the efficiency of your heat treating process, contact us today. We would love to get you set up with a custom N2 generator system to meet your manufacturing needs.

Enhance Fish Farming Results with an Onsite Oxygen Generator


Fish Farm Oxygen GeneratorsIt’s well known in the aquaculture industry that oxygen generation is extremely beneficial for fish farms and hatcheries. Since the quality of the water determines the quality of the fish, it’s paramount that a steady oxygen supply is always available. Oxygenizing the water leads to healthier fish with better appetites, which means bigger fish to sell when the time comes.
For close to 30 years, On Site Gas Systems has been providing onsite oxygen generators to hatcheries around the world. Since most fish farms are located in remote locations, it’s especially important for the company to be completely self-sufficient. They can’t rely on oxygen tank deliveries, because if something happens to the delivery truck, the fish farmers risk compromising the quality of their entire fish supply. Here’s why fish farming companies trust On Site Gas Systems with their livelihood:


Fish farming companies need to be able to depend on their oxygen supply, and with an onsite oxygen generator, they can. Since they are creating their own 95% purity oxygen supply on an as-needed basis, they never have to worry about running out.


Our O2 generators are extremely simple to use. There are no complicated procedures necessary to get a pure oxygen supply. The oxygen generators we make merely use ordinary clean dry compressed air to get the job done. Using Pressure Swing Adsorption, our onsite oxygen generators are essentially a plug-it-in-and-forget-it type of operation.

Easy Maintainability

Working in a remote location certainly has its difficulties, but getting oxygen shouldn’t be one of them. Fish farming companies love that the O2 generators from On Site Gas Systems are extremely low maintenance. They don’t have to worry about keeping extra supplies on hand for repairs, and they can relax knowing they won’t have to invest a lot of money to keep them functioning as they should.


Above all, fish farming companies across the world love the fact that our onsite oxygen generators will pay them back on their investment time and time again. They don’t have to worry about the logistics and costs that go along with getting oxygen cylinders delivered. After the initial investment, the O2 generators from On Site Gas Systems will run for several years with a minimal amount of additional expenses. Not only that, but with a guaranteed oxygen supply, fish farming companies will be able to promise their customers high-quality fish that will be able to be sold for a premium.
On Site Gas Systems understands the needs of fish farming companies, which is why we have designed our onsite oxygen generators to be extremely reliable and amazingly simple to use. With an O2 generator from On Site Gas Systems, fish farmers can focus on raising top-quality fish knowing their oxygen supply will always be there when they need it.
Contact us to find out how an O2 generator from On Site Gas Systems can improve your fish farming efforts.

Why On Site’s N2 Generator for Laser Cutting?

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Laser Cutting, Nitrogen GasNitrogen gas is the top choice for the laser cutting industry due to its non-reactive properties, especially when cutting stainless steel and aluminum. It offers a clean cut without any additional heat being conducted, and it gets the job done fast. But as any laser cutter knows, an efficient process is crucial to succeed. With an N2 generator from On Site Gas Systems at your laser cutting job site, you will be able to improve your productivity while reducing your costs. Here’s why:

We Deliver Pure Nitrogen Gas for Optimum Results

As you may know, the purity of the nitrogen gas you use is vital to the quality of your end result. If you want the crispest edge when laser cutting aluminum or stainless steel, even the smallest amount of oxygen contamination will affect the appearance of the cut. It can cause a yellowing of the metal or form dross that needs to be removed. The purity of the nitrogen gas is especially important when you are laser cutting thick pieces of stainless steel. Since the speeds have to be lower, there is more time for the materials to react with the oxygen.
With an N2 generator from On Site Gas Systems, you never have to worry about quality. Our nitrogen gas is produced at a 99% to 99.999% purity without sacrificing the pressure output possibilities.

We Custom Build N2 Generator Systems Specifically for You

We understand that not every laser cutting facility is the same, which is why we ask several questions to determine the ideal N2 generator for your specific needs. Some of the questions we ask are:

  • What type of laser do you use? What model is it, who is the manufacturer, and what is the wattage?
  • What types of metals do you cut in your facility? How thick does the metal get, and what is your preferred pressure output?
  • When cutting the thickest metals, what size is the nozzle you use?

With the answers in tow, we put together a nitrogen gas system that can deliver the results you expect, both in purity and in flow rate.

We Cut Your Nitrogen Gas Costs Dramatically

With an N2 generator at your site, you don’t have to worry about the logistics or expenses associated with using bulk nitrogen gas. Instead, you can save up to 80% by producing your own nitrogen gas on site. Even when accounting for the upfront and maintenance costs of the N2 generator, you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars. When comparing the figures, most laser cutting companies say that switching to on site nitrogen gas is a no brainer.
For almost 30 years, On Site Gas Systems has been improving the operations at laser cutting facilities across the world. Our American-made N2 generator produces the nitrogen gas right at your job site, improving productivity while increasing your bottom line. Contact us today to see how our nitrogen gas systems can help your business succeed.

Benefits of an Oxygen Generator from On Site Gas for Emergency Situations

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Onsitegas6When an emergency strikes, time is of the essence. Whether it’s a natural disaster, an epidemic, a chemical spill, a car accident, or any other medical emergency, a reliable oxygen supply is crucial to save lives. At On Site Gas Systems, we have portable medical-grade oxygen generators and filling stations that provide oxygen when it’s needed the most.
In fact, our portable oxygen machine filling station was crucial in the recovery of people affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. This small system was able to fill over 2,000 cylinders over a ten-day period. Currently, our On Site Gas Systems oxygen generators are helping to save lives on five continents, and every branch of the military has used them. Here’s why medical professionals worldwide depend on On Site Gas Systems for their portable oxygen generator needs:

Eliminate Dependence on Cylinder Oxygen Delivery

When disaster strikes, emergency teams prepared with a portable oxygen machine can immediately head to the scene. They don’t have to bother with loading and unloading heavy equipment, nor do they need to rely on the delivery of liquid oxygen. Our portable oxygen generators are FDA-cleared and ideal for ambulances and emergency situations. They can provide oxygen with a purity of USP 93% in ventilators, anesthesia units, and even when directly connected to a manifold. Not only do portable oxygen systems eliminate the dependency on delivered oxygen, they are also much more cost-efficient.

Produce Enough Oxygen No Matter How Long the Emergency Lasts

With delivered oxygen supplies, first responders and emergency crews have a very real possibility of running out of the oxygen they need. With portable oxygen machines from On Site Gas Systems, this no longer has to be a concern. Since the crews are producing their own oxygen supply, they will be able to do so as long as necessary. Our oxygen generators can be used both directly with medical equipment and as a source to refill cylinders time and time again. Additionally, our portable oxygen machine will automatically back itself up in the case of a power outage.

Provide Tested and Proven Pure Oxygen

In most countries, an oxygen purity of 93% is required for medical use—which is easily produced by our portable oxygen generators—but sometimes a purity of 99% is required. On Site Gas Systems has a patent on our process that creates 99% PSA oxygen. No longer do medical facilities have to rely on bulk suppliers to receive oxygen of this purity.
For nearly three decades, On Site Gas Systems has been a pioneer for portable oxygen generators in military camps and medical facilities across the world. In times of emergency, when the oxygen supply is crucial to save lives, medical professionals can rely on us. Contact us today to find out how our portable oxygen machines can help you be prepared for an emergency.